FIN PCoA Attributes Calculation Mechanisms

FIN PCoA Attributes Calculation Mechanisms

For FIN PCoA the calculation is provided by process }APQ.C3.Dim.CoAMap.PlanDimension.SetFlags.

BS_Indicator and Statistical Account Flag

Calculation method of the attributes is identical as in case of FIN OCoA.

FIN Plan Type ID

FIN Plan Types are assigned to elements according to assignments stored in FIN Plan Type dimension attributes. Then FIN Plan Type ID is descended from nearest parent of each element by walking from root to leaves of the FIN PCoA dimension.

  • Repeat for all elements in the FIN PCoA template dimension:

    • If current value of FIN Plan Type ID of the element is empty, then lookup first non-empty value of FIN Plan Type ID of any of the element's parents.

      • If looked up value is not empty, use the value.

      • Otherwise:

        • Loop over all plan types as defined in FIN Plan Type dimension and identify root CoA element assigned to each plan type by reading attribute FIN PCoA ID.

        • Establish distance between the element and identified root CoA element for given plan type as difference between element level of the root CoA element and the element itself (TM1 notation).

        • Use value of FIN Plan Type of a root CoA element for which the distance is minimal.


Value of this attribute us used for reverse mapping between plan and operative dimension and is assigned only to leaf level elements in the template planning CoA dimension. The mapping is constructed so leaf element in FIN PCoA always maps to leaf element in FIN OCoA. The mapping is used when transferring data from planning cubes (FIN Expense Planning, FIN Revenue Planning and FIN Balance Sheet Planning) to FIN General Ledger cube.

  • Repeat for all elements in the FIN PCoA template dimension:

    • Identify element in FIN OCoA for which FIN PCoA ID attribute value is equal to the element name.

      • If element type of such element is N, then set the value to the element name identified in operative dimension.

      • If element types of element in the operative dimension and plan dimension are the same, then set the value to the element name identified in operative dimension.

      • If element types of element in the operative dimension and plan dimension don’t match, then find first leaf element in the operative dimension descending from an element matching the plan dimension element name.

    • If there is no such element found, finish with error.


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