Training: Management Trial Balance

Training: Management Trial Balance

In this section we are building the Operational Chart of Account dimension in Apliqo FPM. To start, access the Chart of Accounts setup through the page: Administration > Chart of Accounts.

Building the Management Trial Balance

Step 1: Loading the Management Trial Balance rollup

We are going to start building the Balance Sheet rollup excluding the natural accounts. Before you begin the walk through you will need to download this Balance Sheet file .

Step 2: Adding the natural accounts from an ODBC source

Next, we are going to create an automation step that load the natural accounts from an ODBC source using the SQL query statement:

Select * from [vw.dim.coa]

The query returns the natural accounts and their direct parent account code that was created previous walk through, Step 1: Loading the Management Trial Balance rollup. The query includes the attribute information for the natural accounts.

Step 3: Unwind the Business CoA rollup

We have built the Balance Sheet Chart of Accounts. To allow for future changes in the Balance Sheet we need to unwind the balance sheet rollup before rebuilding the rollup for the data sources. In the above example we are updating the rolling in two automation steps. Each step can unwind the rollup however we only need to unwind the balance sheet rollup once. This is where order of the automation steps is important. In the first step, Load Operational Chart of Account Hierarchy, change the Rebuild Option parameter from Add Components to Unwind. The Unwind Consolidation parameter should be the top consolidation of the Business CoA in the Operational CoA. In this case 9999 - All Accounts Total.

Load Operational Chart of Accounts Automation Step

Subsequent automation steps, Load Natural Accounts, should use the Rebuild Option, Add Components Only.

Load Natural Accounts Automation Step


Training: Fixed Accounts

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