Dimension FIN CoA ID
Dimension FIN CoA ID
is used in the cube to determine target (final) dimension for syncing from CoA template dimension. Each element represents a template, while attributes Dimension and Hierarchy determine target dimension (hierarchy) that will be built by syncing the template dimension. The dimension further contains following important attributes:
Backup Flag
- value1
determines the template dimension is a backup of another template dimension. Such a template dimension has always_Backup
suffix in its name and the related dimension can be always identified by removing the suffix from the name.C3_TOTASSETS
- forFIN OCoA
the value of the attribute is set indirectly through C3 fixed accounts assignments (see below) and the attribute value is read-only. The assignments represent settings important to build the target CoA dimension properly.C3_DEFAULTMEMBER
- the value determines name of default root element of the template CoA dimension and is read-only.Plan Dimension
- contains name of a plan dimension that is derived from operative dimension. A value of the attribute determines the template dimension is operative and is used to update the structure and attributes of the template planning dimension and mapping from operative to plan CoA template dimension.Operative Dimension
-- contains name of an operative dimension related to the CoA template. A value of the attribute determines the template dimension is planning, value of the attribute is used to create mapping from planning to operative CoA template dimension.