FIN OCoA Attributes Calculation Mechanisms

FIN OCoA Attributes Calculation Mechanisms

For FIN OCoA the following attribute values are calculated by process }APQ.C3.Dim.CoAMap.OperativeDimension.SetFlags.


TB_Mult is a factor used to load data from staging slice TB Load in the FIN General Ledger TB cube into OPV slice by the process }APQ.C3.FIN.Cub.GeneralLedgerTB.Update.OPV. This transformation makes sure the TB totals are correct on C3_MGMTTB level of FIN OCoA. Only leaf level accounts in the CoA template dimension will receive a value of either 1 or -1.

  • For each account in template FIN OCoA:

    • Value of 1 is assigned if the leaf account descends from C3_TOTASSETS or from C3_STATISTICS.

    • Otherwise value of -1 is assigned to the account.

    • Consolidated accounts will receive empty string.

      • Leaf level accounts are all accounts that have ElType/String value set to N.

      • A mechanism is in place in the process }APQ.C3.FIN.Cub.GeneralLedgerTB.Update.OPV that verifies whether all leaf accounts, which hold the source data, have a non-zero value assigned to TB_Mult. This is done to ensure that the results, obtained by multiplying the source account balance with TB_Mult, are non-zero.


BS_Indicator flag is used to identify balance sheet accounts - this is important when account balances are rolled over between years in FIN General Ledger cube by process APQ.C3.FIN.Cub.GeneralLedger.Update.OB.From.CB.

An account in the CoA template dimension can receive value of TRUE or empty string.

  • For each account in template FIN OCoA:

    • TRUE is assigned if the account descends from C3_MGMTTB and doesn't descend C3_NPAT or is not C3_NPAT itself at the same time.

    • Empty string value is assigned otherwise.

Statistical Account Flag

Statistical Account Flag is used to identify statistical (non-accounting) accounts in the template dimension. It is used when constructing Total GL Accounts rollup by process }APQ.C3.Dim.CoAMap.Update.Hierarchies.GL to exclude them from TB total before trial balance check is provided by process }APQ.C3.FIN.Cub.GeneralLedgerTB.Check.TB.

An account in the CoA template dimension can receive value of TRUE or empty string.

  • For each account in template FIN OCoA:

    • TRUE is assigned if the account descends from C3_STATISTIC

    • Empty string value is assigned otherwise.

Mapping Level

Mapping Level attribute is used to calculate mapping between operative and plan dimension based on either manual override in Mapping Level Override attribute or by inheritance of Mapping Level value from element ancestors. Users are supposed to create the mapping themselves by setting the Mapping Level Override value through rollup structure of FIN OCoA.

The value of Mapping Level attribute determines if the operative dimension element will be included in the plan dimension or if it will be excluded. When an element from the operative dimension is included in the plan dimension, it will include all relations present in the operative dimension to its parents present in the plan dimension.

Examples of logic between element level and its Mapping Level and how this relation affects construction of the planning dimension out of operative dimension are included below.

  • Mapping Level of 0 set on the element identifies 1:1 mapping:

    • For each element (element level 0 and up > Mapping Level 0) including leaf element (element level 0 = Mapping Level 0) - the element in operative dimension will be included in the plan dimension).

  • Mapping Level of 1 set on the element identifies mapping when leaf elements are excluded and only immediate parents and all above parent levels will be included in the plan dimension:

    • For leaf element (level 0 < Mapping Level 1) - the leaf element will not be included in the plan dimension

    • Immediate parent of leaf element (element level 1 = Mapping Level 1) - the element will be included in the plan dimension

    • Parents of immediate parent of leaf element (level 2 and up) - the elements will be included in the plan dimension

  • Mapping level > 1 - applies the same logic as in case of Mapping Level = 1. Only elements with level >= Mapping Level will be included from the plan dimension.

Algorithm of establishing value of Mapping Level attribute value:

  • For each account in template FIN OCoA:

    • If the element is descending from Reporting Rollups or the element is C3_MGMTTB then it is assigned its value of Mapping Level Override

    • If the element is C3_MGMTTB and its current value of Mapping Level Override is empty, then it is assigned 0 (this is default 1:1 mapping between operative and plan template dimensions if user did not enter any mapping).

    • If the element is descending from C3_MGMTTB and

      • its value of Mapping Level Override is not empty, then it is assigned the value of Mapping Level Override.

      • Its value of Mapping Level Override is empty: lookup first value of Mapping Level of any parent of the element that is descending from C3_MGMTTB or is C3_MGMTTB itself.

    • Otherwise:

      • If Mapping Level Override value is not empty, then it is assigned the value of Mapping Level Override.

      • Otherwise: Lookup first non-empty Mapping Level of any of the element's parents.

Plan Map ID

Plan Map ID attribute is a calculated element name for each of the operative dimension element and determines if the element will be included in the plan dimension by checking Mapping Level attribute value with element level. Logic described in Mapping Level applies when establishing the Plan Map ID.

  • For each account in template FIN OCoA:

    • If the element is C3_DEFAULTMEMBER (FIN OCoA Rollups) then it is assigned C3_DEFAULTMEMBER of the plan dimension (FIN PCoA Rollups).

    • If the element is C3_REPORTINGROLLUPS (Reporting Rollups) then it is assigned C3_REPORTINGROLLUPS (Reporting Rollups).

    • If the element is NA FIN OCOA element, then it is assigned empty value (no mapping - the element will not be created in the plan dimension).

    • Otherwise:

      • If element level of the element >= its calculated Mapping Level, then use the element name itself.

      • Otherwise: use value of Plan Map ID of the parent of the element matching the condition element level >= its calculated Mapping Level.

Mapping Level and Plan Map ID attribute values are used when updating structure of template FIN PCoA dimension.

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