Drill through the document

Drill through the document

To display the PDFs from the documents uploaded to Canoe Apliqo LP PM provides are easy way to access the documents.

Currently the drill though is implemented in different UIs

Drill through to PDF document from Infidem Input

System Setup - Fund Data Input - Infidem Input

  1. System Setup - Fund Data Input - Infidem Input

  2. select the data point

  3. right click to “drill”

  4. The drill UI appears

  5. select a data point

  6. click the link to the PDF is display in the “document_url_link”

  7. the Canoe UI will appear with the document


Drill through to PDF document from Data Load

System Management - Dimension Maintenance - Canoe Data Load

  1. Choose Fund in Filter Bar

  2. Chose Data Filter

  3. Pick the document from “link to document”