Training: Account Flags

Training: Account Flags

The Update Flags process set key attitudes in the Operational Chart of Account. The follow attributes are set:

  • FIN PCoA ID: Used for the mapping of the account from the Operational CoA to the Planning CoA.

  • TB_Mult: Is the value use to transform the Accounting Trial Balance to a Management Trial Balance. The account movements in the General Ledger are changed from the accounting Debit (+) and Credit (-) signage used for the Accounting Trial Balance, to a signage that is used for management reporting. In the General Ledger, Assets, Liabilities and Equities are all reported as positive numbers. A negative weight in the Management Trial Balance rollup is added so that Total Assets = Total Liabilities + Equity = 0. When building the Balance Sheet rollup, you must include this negative weight for the proper reporting of the financial results in the General Ledger. For profit and loss accounts, Revenues are shown as positive numbers and Expenses are shown as negative numbers. This is opposite to the accounting sign but is more intuitive management reporting. The reversal of the sign from the Trail Balance to the Management Trial Balance is dependent on the Total Assets on the C3_TOTASSETS fixed account.

  • Statistical Account Flag: Is set on all metrics that are under the C3_STATISTIC Fixed Account.

  • Code and Description: The concatenation of the account code and the Description.

  • Caption: The concatenation of the account code and the Description.

Manually updating the Account Flags

The Account Flags can be updated by clicking on the Update Flags button on the Operational CoA tab.

Screenshot 2025-01-22 141439.png

Automating the Account Flags

Once the Fixed Accounts have been mapped the account flags can be set.

This process is automatically run every time the Sync Dimension process is executed.

Manual Attributes

Some attributes are managed by the FPM Module Administrator.

  • NO FX: Sets the reporting currency to be equal to the local currency for the natural account. Typically used for statistic accounts.

  • No Scaling: The account will always show the Base Units when the thousands or millions scale is selected.

  • Description: The business description of the account or metric. Can be maintained by the FPM Module Administrator or load from and external data source.

Displaying Attributes on the Operational CoA tab

The attributes that are displayed on the Operational CoA tab is manage in the Manage Attributes popup. Follow the walk through to change the displayed attributes to the attributes that are manually managed.



Training: Synchronising the Operational Chart of Accounts



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