Training: Business Segment Security

Training: Business Segment Security

The Business Segment Security is set in the Business Segment maintenance page, Administration > Business Segment > …

Setting the Business Segment Security

Whether a business segment has security is determined in the business segment’s Settings. To change a business segment security, click on the Settings popup on the toolbar.

Settings popup

Security is applied globally. Set the Secured parameter to Yes to apply security to the dimension. Set the Secured parameter to No to remove the security from the dimension. Each time the security settings is changed click on the Setup Security button to apply the security setting.

Creating a Security Group

To add new security group, click on Create Groups.

Create Group(s) popup

Enter the name of the Group to be added. By convention, Business Segments security groups are prefixed with the business segment principal name and should be included in the group name. Multiple groups can be added by separating the groups with the Separator character.

Defining the Element Permission Level

Screenshot 2025-02-06 164146.png
FIN BSEG 1 Security tab

Select the security group to define element security.

  • Current Permission Level - (Read Only). Is the permission the selected security group has for the element.

  • Permission Level - (Optional). The level of permission the select security group is to have to the element. If left blank is the same as giving the permission of ‘None’.

    • Write - The ability to change the data against the element.

    • Read - The ability to read the data against the element.

    • None - No access to the data against the element.

  • Permission Type - (Optional). How the permission is to be applied to the members of the consolidated element.

    • Recursive - The Permission Level is to be applied to the consolidated element and the members of the consolidated element to the level set in InheritToDivLevel.

    • Point - The Permission Level is to be applied to the element only.

  • InheritToDimLevel - Is applicable when the Permission Type is Recursive. Pick the lowest level of the rollup the security is to be applied.

Applying the Permissions

To apply the security changes, click on Update Groups.

Update Groups popup

Confirm the correct dimensions are being updated and click on Update Security. The Current Permission Level will reflect the changes in the Permission Level.

Auto Create Groups

Auto-create Groups button will activate security for the dimension for the first time.


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