Training: Client Security

Training: Client Security

The following topic will be covered in this section.

You can access the security setup through the page: Administration / Security / Client Groups Security

Add a client

A user password must be at least 8 characters long.

Assign a client to a group

New clients are assigned to the required minimum user groups. A client must be assigned to additional groups to access the Apliqo FPM modules.

To remove a client from a group, unassign the group from the client then apply the change.

Inactivate a client.

There are times when a client should temporarily not have access to Apliqo FPM. Making a client inactive, their access to Apliqo FPM is removed without affecting their assignments. The client’s access can easily be reinstated with their original assignments.

To inactivate a client, open the Delete Inactivate Clients popup. In the left-hand widget click on the clients that need to be inactivated. Close the popup once all the clients that need to be inactive have been selected.

Delete Inactivate Clients popup.

Blocked clients

Some clients cannot be made inactive. These are system accounts that are used by Apliqo FPM.

It is advisable to add your own account as a blocked client. This will prevent your account from being deleted or made inactive. This done in the Blocked Client popup.

Deleting an inactive client.

A client needs to be made inactive before they can be deleted.


3.2. Apliqo FPM Settings

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