Snippet: Elements to Threads Allocation Requiring Mapping
Snippet: Elements to Threads Allocation Requiring Mapping
Below snippets assume data source and data target of the TI process are cubes with a mapping existing between each parallel enabled source dimension and equal target dimension, other dimensions might differ.
The source pDimPar
and equivalent target dimension have to have total rollup containing all leaf elements in their structure, the name of the total rollup root element must be Total <dimension name>
You should define a process parameter allowing entry of a filter expression for each parallel enabled source dimension.
Prolog (after parameter tests)
# Elements to allocate to threads - always will be used even in case when parallelism is not required
If( sParFilter @= '' );
# MDX that is used by default to drive parallelization set when no filter is specified
sDimClrMDX = Expand( 'TM1FILTERBYLEVEL(DESCENDANTS([%sDimParClr%].[Total %sDimParClr%]), 0)' );
# We need to provide MDX out of Bedrock style filter depending on the threadID
sFind = sParFilter;
nTokens = 0;
sElemMDX = '';
While( sFind @<> '' );
nToken = SCAN( cElementDelim, sFind );
nToken = IF( nToken = 0, LONG( sFind ) + 1, nToken );
sToken = TRIM( SUBST( sFind, 1, nToken - 1 ));
sElemMDX = sElemMDX | If( nTokens = 0, '', '+' ) | Expand( 'TM1FILTERBYLEVEL(DESCENDANTS([%pDimPar%].[%sToken%]), 0)' );
sFind = DELET( sFind, 1, nToken );
nTokens = nTokens + 1;
If( nElementReplace <> 0 );
sDimClrMDX = Expand( 'GENERATE(%sElemMDX%, FILTER(TM1SUBSETALL([%sDimParClr%]), [%pDimPar%].CurrentMember.Properties(''%sDimParClr% ID'') = [%sDimParClr%].CurrentMember.Name))' );
#Note: sDimParClr = pDimPar makes this possible
sDimClrMDX = sElemMDX;
sSubClrLen = cSubSrc | '_CLR_LEN';
'pDim', sDimParClr,
'pSub', sSubClrLen,
'pMDXExpr', sDimClrMDX,
'pConvertToStatic', 1,
'pTemp', cTemp
nElementsClr = SubsetGetSize( sDimParClr, sSubClrLen );
Prolog (after spawning child threads)
If ( nMaxThreads > 1 & nThreadID >= 0 );
# Allocate working space to threads - indices start and step
If( cThreadMonitoringEnabled <> 0 );
nLowerIndex = nThreadID;
nThreadStep = nThreads - 1;
nLowerIndex = nThreadID + 1;
nThreadStep = nThreads;
# Regular processing - single thread
nThreadStep = 1;
nLowerIndex = 1;
Prolog (when creating source and target views)
If( nLowerIndex <= nElementsClr & (nMaxThreads =1 % nMaxThreads > 1 & ( cThreadMonitoringEnabled <> 0 & nThreadID <> 0 % cThreadMonitoringEnabled = 0)));
# Allocate working space within parallelized dimension
SubsetCreate( sDimParClr, cSubClr, cTemp );
n = nLowerIndex;
nSubsetItem = 1;
sElemMDX = '';
While ( n <= nElementsClr );
sElem = SubsetGetElementName( sDimParClr, sSubClrLen, n );
If( nLogOutput > 1 );
LogOutput( 'Info', Expand( 'Thread %pThreadID% allocating %sElem% for target data clear.' ));
SubsetElementInsert( sDimParClr, cSubClr, sElem, nSubsetItem );
sElemMDX = sElemMDX | IF( sElemMDX @= '', '', '+' ) | Expand('{[%sDimParClr%].[%sElem%]}');
nSubsetItem = nSubsetItem + 1;
n = n + nThreadStep;
If( nElementReplace <> 0 );
sMDX = Expand( 'TM1FILTERBYLEVEL(GENERATE(%sElemMDX%, FILTER(TM1SUBSETALL([%pDimPar%]), [%pDimPar%].CurrentMember.Properties(''%sDimParClr% ID'') = [%sDimParClr%].CurrentMember.Name)), 0)' );
#Note: sDimParClr = pDimPar makes this possible
sMDX = sElemMDX;
'pDim', pDimPar,
'pSub', cParSubSrc,
'pMDXExpr', sMDX,
'pConvertToStatic', 1,
'pTemp', cTemp
If( nLogOutput <> 0 );
nElem = SubsetGetSize( pDimPar, cParSubSrc );
nElemClr = SubsetGetSize( sDimParClr, cSubClr );
If( nLogOutput > 1 );
nSubsetItem = 1;
While ( nSubsetItem <= nElem );
sElem = SubsetGetElementName( pDimPar, cParSubSrc, nSubsetItem );
LogOutput( 'Info', Expand( 'Thread %pThreadID% allocating %sElem% for data source.' ));
nSubsetItem = nSubsetItem + 1;
sElem = NumberToString( nElem );
sElemClr = NumberToString( nElemClr );
LogOutput( 'Info', Expand( 'Thread %pThreadID% allocated %sElem% elements from %pDimPar% for data source and %sElemClr% elements from %sDimParClr% for target data clear.' ));
#Region Prepare Source Data Filters
#TODO: Repeat for every dimension that is allowed for parallel processing, define process parameter for each
sDimName = 'DIMENSION_NAME_1';
If( TRIM( sPar ) @<> '' & pDimPar @<> sDimName );
sFilter = sFilter | cDimensionDelim | sDimName | cElementStartDelim | sPar;
#EndRegion Prepare Source Data Filters
#Region Create Data Source
#EndRegion Create Data Source
# Elements in parallel dimenison as per thread allocation were already present in the subset - we need to exclude elements that were provided by Bedrock by default as we have omitted the parallel dimension from filter - these follow after all elements generated for parallel processing
SubsetDeleteAllElements( pDimPar, cSubSrc );
nElem = 1;
nElems = SubsetGetSize( pDimPar, cParSubSrc );
While( nElem <= nElems );
sElem = SubsetGetElementName( pDimPar, cParSubSrc, nElem );
SubsetElementInsert( pDimPar, cSubSrc, sElem, nElem );
nElem = nElem + 1;
#Region Create Data Target
#EndRegion Create Data Target
#TODO: Repeat for every dimension that is allowed for parallel processing, define process parameter for each
sParVal = Expand( '%pDIMENSION_NAME_1%' );
sDimNameOp = 'DIMENSION_NAME_1';
sDimNamePlan = 'DIMENSION_EQ_NAME_1';
If( TRIM( sParVal ) @<> '' & pDimPar @<> sDimNameOp );
sFind = sParVal;
nTokens = 0;
sElemMDX = '';
While( sFind @<> '' );
nToken = SCAN( cElementDelim, sFind );
nToken = IF( nToken = 0, LONG( sFind ) + 1, nToken );
sToken = TRIM( SUBST( sFind, 1, nToken - 1 ));
sElemMDX = sElemMDX | If( nTokens = 0, '', '+' ) | Expand( 'TM1FILTERBYLEVEL(DESCENDANTS([%sDimNameOp%].[%sToken%]), 0)' );
sFind = DELET( sFind, 1, nToken );
nTokens = nTokens + 1;
sMDX = Expand( 'GENERATE(%sElemMDX%, FILTER(TM1SUBSETALL([%sDimNamePlan%]), [%sDimNameOp%].CurrentMember.Properties(''%sDimNamePlan% ID'') = [%sDimNamePlan%].CurrentMember.Name))' );
SubsetCreateByMDX( cSubClr, sMDX, sDimNamePlan, cTemp );
SubsetElementInsert( sDimNamePlan, cSubClr, DIMNM( sDimNamePlan, 1 ), 1 );
SubsetElementDelete( sDimNamePlan, cSubClr, 1 );
ViewSubsetAssign( cCubTgt, cViewClr, sDimNamePlan, cSubClr );
#Region Clear Data Target
#EndRegion Clear Data Target
#Region Assign Data Source to TI
#EndRegion Assign Data Source to TI
DataSourceType = 'NULL';
, multiple selections available,
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