Snippet: Data Processing
Snippet: Data Processing
Data (after skipping source records that should not be processed)
nDataRecordCount = nDataRecordCount + 1;
Data (before writing to target cube)
Provide calculation of target dimension elements by applying mappings
Data (last command block)
If( nLogoutput > 1 );
If( ( cLogRecordThresholdSec <> 0 & (NOW() - nTimePrev) / cSecFactor >= cLogRecordThresholdSec ) % ( cLogRecordThresholdRec <> 0 & MOD( nDataRecordCount, cLogRecordThresholdRec ) = 0 ) );
nTime = NOW();
sRateAVG = NumberToString( nDataRecordCount \ ROUND( (nTime - nTimeStart) / cSecFactor ));
sRate = NumberToString( ( nDataRecordCount - nDataRecordProcessed ) \ ROUND( ( nTime - nTimePrev ) / cSecFactor ));
nDataRecordProcessed = nDataRecordCount;
sDataRecordCount = NumberToString( nDataRecordCount );
nn=nTime - nTimeStart;
nTimePrev = nTime;
Logoutput('Info', expand('Process:%cThisProcName% (ThreadID=%pThreadID%): Processed %sDataRecordCount% records. Current throughput=%sRate% records/s, Average throughput=%sRateAVG% records/s.'));