2.1 Planning Versions

2.1 Planning Versions

Apliqo FPM can have multiple planning versions. In this section we are going to create a new planning version and set the planning parameters to complete a forecast for 2023.

To access the Planning Version setup through the page: Administration > Time and Versions. Go to the Working tab.

Add a planning version.

Adding a new working version called Forecast.

Set the Planning Parameters

We are going to set the planning parameters to complete 2023 3+9 Forecast. The forecast is made up 3 months of actual account movements and we are forecasting for the remaining 9 months of the year.

Comparison Version

The standard planning screen allows for the comparison of the selected planning version and other versions and their variances. Can have multiple comparisons for each working version. To associate the comparison with the working version, we use the naming scheme of [Planning Version Principal Name] Comparison [Index]. For example, the Forecast working version is WPLAN1 we would create the comparison version WPLAN1 Comparison 1. Follow the walk through to crate and populate this comparison version.


2.2. Planning Business Segments

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