Snippet: Thread Status Polling
Snippet: Thread Status Polling
Add prerequisites as per Snippet: Spawning Child Threads
Epilog (before Finalize Logging region):
#****Begin: Generated Statements***
#****End: Generated Statements****
CellPutS( sProcLogParams, cCubThreadCtrl, cUserName, cThisProcName, pThreadID, 'Parameters' );
CellPutS( TimSt(nProcessStartTime, '\Y-\m-\d \h:\i:\s'), cCubThreadCtrl, cUserName, cThisProcName, pThreadID, 'Start Time' );
CellPutS( TimSt(Now, '\Y-\m-\d \h:\i:\s'), cCubThreadCtrl, cUserName, cThisProcName, pThreadID, 'Finish Time' );
CellPutS( GetProcessErrorFileName(), cCubThreadCtrl, cUserName, cThisProcName, pThreadID, 'TM1ProcessError File' );
If( nThreadID = 0 );
CellPutN( 0, cCubThreadCtrl, cUserName, cThisProcName, pThreadID, 'running' );
CellPutN( 1, cCubThreadCtrl, cUserName, cThisProcName, pThreadID, 'completed' );
CellPutN( nDataRecordCount, cCubThreadCtrl, cUserName, cThisProcName, pThreadID, 'Records Count' );
CubeSaveData( cCubThreadCtrl );
If( nThreads > 1 );
nCompleted = CellGetN( cCubThreadCtrl, cUserName, cThisProcName, 'Total Threads', 'completed' );
If( nLogoutput <> 0 );
LogOutput( 'info', Expand( 'Process:%cThisProcName% (ThreadID=%pThreadID%): Waiting for child threads completion.' ));
While( nCompleted <> nMaxThreads );
nCompleted = CellGetN( cCubThreadCtrl, cUserName, cThisProcName, 'Total Threads', 'completed' );
nRunning = CellGetN( cCubThreadCtrl, cUserName, cThisProcName, 'Total Threads', 'running' );
nScheduled = CellGetN( cCubThreadCtrl, cUserName, cThisProcName, 'Total Threads', 'scheduled' );
If( nRunning = 0 & nCompleted = 1 & nScheduled <> 0 );
nTime = NOW();
nDeltaTime = ROUND( (nTime - nProcessStartTime) * 3600 * 24 );
If( nDeltaTime >= cMaxInitTime );
nErrors = nErrors + 1;
sMaxInitTime = NumberToString( cMaxInitTime );
sMessage = Expand( 'None of the child threads have successfully initialized during timeout interval of [%sMaxInitTime%] seconds, terminating the process.');
sSequenceID = NumberToString( nMultiMsgJSON );
sMessageJSON = INSRT(' "message":"', sMessage | '"', 1);
sMultiMsg = Expand( '%sMultiMsg%' | If(LONG(sMultiMsg)=0, '', ', ') | '"' | NumberToString( nMultiMsgJSON ) | '":{%sMessageJSON%}' ); nMultiMsgJSON = nMultiMsgJSON + 1;
LogOutput( cMsgErrorLevel, Expand( cMsgErrorContent ) );
CellPutN( 1, cCubThreadCtrl, cUserName, cThisProcName, pThreadID, 'Error Flag' );
sCompleted = NumberToString( nCompleted );
LogOutput( 'info', Expand( 'Process:%cThisProcName% (ThreadID=%pThreadID%): Polling child threads - %sCompleted% threads have finished.' ));
If( nCompleted <> nMaxThreads );
Sleep( cThreadPollingInterval * 1000 );
CubeSaveData( cCubThreadCtrl );
If( cThreadMonitoringEnabled <> 0 );
nTime = NOW();
nDeltaTime = ROUND( (nTime - nProcessStartTime) * 3600 * 24 );
If( nDeltaTime >= cMaxRunTime );
nErrors = nErrors + 1;
sMessage = Expand( 'Maximum runtime (%sMaxRunTime% seconds) was exceeded, terminating process. Data in target cube might not be consistent if some of child threads have committed data.');
sSequenceID = NumberToString( nMultiMsgJSON );
sMessageJSON = INSRT(' "message":"', sMessage | '"', 1);
sMultiMsg = Expand( '%sMultiMsg%' | If(LONG(sMultiMsg)=0, '', ', ') | '"' | NumberToString( nMultiMsgJSON ) | '":{%sMessageJSON%}' ); nMultiMsgJSON = nMultiMsgJSON + 1;
LogOutput( cMsgErrorLevel, Expand( cMsgErrorContent ) );
CellPutN( 1, cCubThreadCtrl, cUserName, cThisProcName, pThreadID, 'Error Flag' );
nChildErrors = CellGetN( cCubThreadCtrl, cUserName, cThisProcName, 'Total Threads', 'Error Flag' );
nTotalRecordCount = CellGetN( cCubThreadCtrl, cUserName, cThisProcName, 'Total Threads', 'Records Count' );
If( nLogoutput <> 0 );
If( nChildErrors <> 0 );
LogOutput('info', Expand( 'Process:%cThisProcName% (ThreadID=%pThreadID%): All threads have finished, but some threads have reported errors.'));
LogOutput('info', Expand( 'Process:%cThisProcName% (ThreadID=%pThreadID%): All threads have finished successfully.'));
nTotalRecordCount = nDataRecordCount;
CubeSetLogChanges( cCubTgt, 1 );
CellPutN( 0, cCubThreadCtrl, cUserName, cThisProcName, pThreadID, 'running' );
CellPutN( 1, cCubThreadCtrl, cUserName, cThisProcName, pThreadID, 'completed' );
CellPutN( nDataRecordCount, cCubThreadCtrl, cUserName, cThisProcName, pThreadID, 'Records Count' );
nTotalRecordCount = nDataRecordCount;