Subprocess (without messaging) Error Detection
Subprocess (without messaging) Error Detection
This snippet is used when calling a subprocesses that are not enabled with messaging to indicate if an error occurred during execution.
Prolog, Metadata, Data, Epilog:
sProc = 'process';
nRet = ExecuteProcess( sProc );
IF( nRet <> ProcessExitNormal );
nErrors = nErrors + 1;
sRet = NumberToString( nRet );
sMessage = Expand( 'Call to %sProc% has finished with errors (code = %sRet%).' );
sSequenceID = NumberToString( nMultiMsgJSON );
sMessageJSON = INSRT(' "message":"', sMessage | '"', 1);
sMultiMsg = Expand( '%sMultiMsg%' | If(LONG(sMultiMsg)=0, '', ', ') | '"' | NumberToString( nMultiMsgJSON ) | '":{%sMessageJSON%}' ); nMultiMsgJSON = nMultiMsgJSON + 1;
LogOutput( cMsgErrorLevel, Expand( cMsgErrorContent ) );