Training: FIN BSEG 2 (Customer)

Training: FIN BSEG 2 (Customer)

In this section, we are setting up the FIN BSEG 2 dimension with the list of customers. Navigate to the page: Administration > Business Segments > FIN BSEG 2 to begin.


Set the dimension name and usage. See Training: FIN BSEG 1 (Cost Center) | Settings if you need a recap.


Add an Automation Step

The rollup and attribute information for this dimension is sourced from the FIN BSEG 2.CSV file in the Source Data folder. Here is the sample file: . The columns of the file are as such:

Customer source data layout.

Here are the automation settings to load the FIN BSEG 2.csv file. Try to create the automation step yourself. If you have any questions, click on the image for a guided walk through. Don’t forget to set the sort order for the dimension, create a FIN BSEG 2 Leaves consolidation and a Top Node for the dimension. Need a recap, go back to Training: FIN BSEG 1 (Cost Center).


You have set up the FIN BSEG 2 dimension from a CSV file. You learn the how to display the FIN BSEG 2 dimension as the Customer dimension.


Training: FIN BSEG 3

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