Initialising the Planning Chart of Accounts

The Planning Chart of Accounts (CoA) is distinct from the Operational Chart of Accounts. While the Operational CoA serves management reporting and analysis purposes, the Planning CoA is specifically designed for financial planning.

Building the Planning Chart of Accounts

The Planning CoA is derived from the Operational CoA. Any level in the chart of account can be set as the leaf element in the Planning CoA. The hierarchy above the leaf elements in the Planning CoA is the same as the Operational CoA.

In this walkthrough the Planning CoA will be built from the Operational CoA.

Click for a guided walkthrough.

Fixed Account for Planning Chart of Accounts

Planning Chart of accounts has Fixed Accounts and KPI accounts. When you first initialise the Planning CoA is easiest to copy the Operation CoA Fixed Account mapping to the Planning CoA Fixed Account mapping then adjust depending on level of detail in the Planning CoA.

See Mapping Fixed Accounts for a review on how Fixed Accounts are mapped.

To enable driver-based planning the follow Fixed Accounts must be mapped in the Planning Chart of Accounts. Please map these Fixed Accounts.

  • C3_CTA - Cumulative translation adjustments - CTA

  • C3_TOTOPEX - Total Operating Expenses

  • C3_NPAT - Profit After Taxes

  • C3_EBIT - Earning Before Income Tax

  • C3_EBITDA - Earning Before Income Tax, Depreciation and Amortization

  • C3_AP - Accounts Payable

  • C3_AR - Accounts Receivable

  • C3_INV - Inventories

  • C3_COGS - Cost of Goods Sold

  • C3_CASH - Cash and cash equivalents

  • C3_GP - Gross Profit

  • C3_NCHGCASH - Net increase / decrease in cash and cash equivalents net of FX effect

Populate Plan Type

The core planning is broken up into Balance Sheet Planning, Revenue Planning and Expense Planning. Based on the Fixed Account mapping, populating the plan type determines which account is planned in which core planning module.

The Populate Plan Type process can be found on Structure tab of the Planning CoA tab.

Reset Planning Flags: Override the existing Planning Flag with the calculated mapping. This should be set to Yes unless you are manually maintaining the planning module mappings (FIN Plan Type ID).

OCoA Mapping: Calculate the mapping from the Planning CoA to the Operational CoA.

Plan Type: Set the plan type for the account.

Synchronising the Planning Chart of Accounts

The actual Planning Chart of Accounts (FIN PCoA) is only updated when it is synchronised with the staged Planning CoA. The Planning CoA can synchronise using the Sync Dimension button on the Administration > Chart of Account > Planning CoA tab. When the actual Planning CoA is not the same as the staged Planning CoA the Sync Dimension button will be Orange. Synchronising the actual and staged Planning CoA will turn the Sync Dimension button green.

Click on the Sync Dimension to open the popup. It can take a few seconds while an update of the mandatory flag attributes happens in the background.

Rebuild option:

  • Incremental Update: Only add new accounts. Existing rollups will not be changed. No elements will be deleted from the actual Planning CoA (FIN PCoA).

  • Uwind: This is the default option. The parent-child relationships between elements will be broken, then reconstructed based on the mapping changes you have made in the staging Planning CoA. If you have deleted accounts in the staging Planning CoA, they will persist in the actual Planning CoA as orphan element in the dimension. This allows the ability correct account mapping back into the account structure without losing any data.

  • Delete all elements: Use this option only if you intentionally want to deleted elements from the actual Planning CoA. Make sure that the content of the staging dimension is up to date. That data associated with the delete element is also deleted.

Update Hierarchies will reconstruct the technical rollups used by Apliqo FPM. This option should be set to Yes.

Override Element Type allow for the change of element type. Changing a N-type element to C-Type element could lead to loss of data. This option should be set to No, unless you know the impact of the change.

Delete Empty Consolidations will delete C-type elements that have no components. This reduces the actual Planning CoA to only include consolidations that have natural accounts. While maintaining a full Management Trial Balance in the staging Planning CoA.

Automating the Planning Chart of Accounts maintenance

Three automation steps need to be added to automate the maintenance of the Planning CoA.

  1. Run Plan Dimension Update.

  2. Set account flags for plan dimension.

  3. Run sync of plan dimension.

Follow this walkthrough to see how to create these automation steps and the setting to use for each of steps.