Chart of Account Attributes

Attributes hold additional information about the elements in the CoA dimension. Some attributes are system attributes that are populated when the Chart of Accounts are synced.

These system attributes can be set by the FPM Module Administrator.

  • NO FX: Sets the reporting currency to be equal to the local currency for the natural account. Typically used for statistic accounts.

  • No Scaling: The account will always show the Base Units when the thousands or millions scale is selected.

  • Description: The business description of the account or metric. Can be maintained by the FPM Module Administrator or load from and external data source.

These system attributes are calculated when the actual CoA are synchronised staging CoA.

  • FIN PCoA ID: Used for the mapping of the account from the Operational CoA to the Planning CoA.

  • TB_Mult: Is the value use to transform the Accounting Trial Balance to a Management Trial Balance. The account movements in the General Ledger are changed from the accounting Debit (+) and Credit (-) signage used for the Accounting Trial Balance, to a signage that is used for management reporting. In the General Ledger, Assets, Liabilities and Equities are all reported as positive numbers. A negative weight in the Management Trial Balance rollup is added so that Total Assets = Total Liabilities + Equity = 0. When building the Balance Sheet rollup, you must include this negative weight for the proper reporting of the financial results in the General Ledger. For profit and loss accounts, Revenues are shown as positive numbers and Expenses are shown as negative numbers. This is opposite to the accounting sign but is more intuitive management reporting. The reversal of the sign from the Trail Balance to the Management Trial Balance is dependent on the Total Assets on the C3_TOTASSETS fixed account.

  • Statistical Account Flag: Is set on all metrics that are under the C3_STATISTIC Fixed Account.

  • Code and Description: The concatenation of the account code and the Description.

Managing Attributes

Click on the Manage Attributes button to open the Manage Attributes popup.


Name: The attribute name.

Type: The type of data to be stored against the attribute.

  • S (String): The attribute can store string and numeric data.

  • A (Alias): The attribute can store string data that must be unique in the Operational CoA dimension.

  • N (Numeric): The attribute can store numeric data only.

Persistent: Persistent attributes cannot be deleted.

Show Column: To show the attribute on the Operational CoA tab.

Caption: A friendly name that will be shown in the column headers. Will not change the attribute name.

Group: Collect like attributes into a group.

Add a new attribute.

To create a new attribute, click on the New Attribute button. In the new line, define the name and the type of the attribute to be added. Click on the tick to create the attribute. Click on the cross to cancel. Other properties of the attribute can be edited, see below.

Add New Attribute

Edit an attribute.

For the attribute you want to change, click on edit. The Persistent, Caption and Group columns can now be changed. Click on OK to commit the change.

Delete an attribute.

For the attribute you want to delete, click on the vertical ellipse and select delete. You cannot delete Persistent attributes.