Manually Maintaining the Chart of Accounts

The Chart of Accounts can be manually managed by adding, deleting and mapping accounts and metric in the Operational CoA tab. Some action can affect multiple accounts.

Manually managing the Chart of Accounts is mutually exclusive with automated the building of the chart of account from an external source. If you manually make a change to a part of the chart that is being automated either:

  1. Disable the automation step that is build that part of the chart of accounts.

  2. Delete the automation step that is build that part of the chart of accounts.

  3. Update the external source with the change before the automation is run.

Adding a new account.

Click the Add icon in the row where you want to add the new element to. The Add Account popup will open.

Element: Enter the name of the new element.

Type: Choose the element type. A consolidated element sums up data of its component elements. A numeric element is the lowest level on which data can be stored.

Map to Position: The consolidation the new element rollup is to be added to.

Weight: Is important for the signage use to calculate the consolidate account. Typically, the weight will be 1 to include the data. A weight of -1 will reversed the sign of the data. A weight of 0 will ignore the data for this account in the consolidated account.

The new element will appear under the mapped position. You might have to expand the parent to see the new element.

Deleting an account.

Click the Delete icon next to an element to be deleted.


Confirm the element and click Delete Permanently. The element will be deleted the staging CoA. This only impacts the element itself; any children will remain in the account structure. If you intend to delete an entire tree, delete the accounts from the bottom up.

Map an account.

Click on Map icon net to the element that is to be mapped.

Element: The account or metric that is to be re-mapped.

From Parent:

  • You can choose to keep the existing parent relationship of the element.

  • Remove the element from the any existing parent.

To Parent:

  • Choose the target parent the element be mapped to. First choosing the primary rollup and then the specific parent in the primary rollup.

  • When you want to change the weight, you can also choose to re-add the element it to the exist parent.

  • Choose to remove the element from the selected parent only.

Weight: Set the weight of the between the element and the new parent element.

Sort the account order.

Initially the accounts will appear in the order that they have been added. This can be change using Sort popup.

To change the order of the accounts, drag the accounts up or down list. Click on Save to update the order in the CoA.

Bulk Actions

Bulk Actions are used with the Bucket Attributes. Click on Manage Attributes to show the Bucket Attributes in the Operational CoA tab.

Delete multiple accounts.

  1. Assign the accounts that are to be deleted to a bucket.

  2. Select Actions > Delete… on the toolbar.

  1. Select the Bucket to be used.

  2. There is an option to backup the CoA before deleting the selected accounts.

  3. Click on Delete All.

Map multiple accounts.

Assign the accounts that are to be mapped to a bucket. Select Actions > Map… on the toolbar. The mapping options are the same option for a single account, see above.

Map multiple account by attribute.

Use a value in an attribute to map the account.

Copy an attribute values

Copy the attribute values from one attribute to another.