Initial Configuration
Check the TM1 instance configuration
Immediately after a fresh install of an empty ContentStore the configuration should be checked and confirmed before continuing with building apps.
Locate the tm1s.cfg file for the ContentStore and check the following:
PortNumber parameter doesn't conflict with any other TM1 instances on the same server
HttpPortNumber parameter doesn't conflict with any other TM1 instances on the same server
DataBaseDirectory & LoggingDirectory are appropriately set (should be managed with relative path versus location of config file e.g. ..\Data so should never be a reason to change unless local management policy requires a different location)
EnableNewHierarchyCreation must be set to true
Check the UseSSL parameter and note if this is set to true or false (by default if missing UseSSL=t)
Locate the instances.json file for the UX webapp matching the ContentStore instance. This will be located at:
<InstallRoot>\ApliqoServer\webapps\<WebAppName>\WEB-INF\instances.json Open the file in a text or code editor and check the following:
name key must be "contentStore". This cannot be changed!
restUri key must use the correct IP address or DNS name for the server where the
ContentStore instance is running
Depending on the UseSSL setting in the tm1s.cfg http: or https: needs to be used
The port in the url must match the HttpPortNumber parameter in tm1s.cfg
The ContentStore is installed with a very basic tm1s.cfg file. You are free to customize the configuration, for example changing the instance name (as Apliqo UX connects via Restful API, it only cares about the restUri. The instance name is only relevant for the adminhost and clients using the C API). If CAM security is required then security mode should be changed along with other parameters required for CAM authentication. The only things you must pay particular attention to are:
Hierarchy creation must be enabled
HttpPortNumber (& SSL) setting must match with the instances.json fil in order for the front end to be able to connect to the ContentStore
Note: If you do configure the ContentStore to use CAM authentication then the camNamespaces key must also be added to instances.json for all instances using CAM.
Note: Any change to the instances.json file requires the Apliqo Server to be restarted for the changes to take effect.
Log in to ContentStore
The standard install configuration for the ContentStore is
User: Admin
Pwd: apple
You can log into the ContentStore with the default Admin credentials to check everything is working.
If you use standard TM1 security (IntegratedSecurityMode=1) then make sure to change the default Admin password to the password used in your environment!
While logged on as the Admin user you should set up additional user(s) for yourself and other TM1 Administrators.
Note: when using the loginInstances parameter in instances.json you are instructing Apliqo UX to authenticate to the other instances with the same credentials as used for the ContentStore instance which is authenticated first. (This is the recommended configuration as it saves users authenticating multiple times). Therefore it is important to ensure credentials match between the ContentStore and reporting instances.
Internal settings
The ContentStore saves some standard settings in the cube }APQ Settings. It is important to make sure that some key settings are set in order for functions such as file import and export and backups to work properly.
Open the }APQ Settings cube in a cube viewer and go to the "File System Location Parameters" section:
» Mandatory parameters
The parameters marked with * are essential to configure correctly.
Instance: this is the root location for the ContentStore. This is the parent directory where the CFG, Data. Log, etc. folders are located
Data Dir: data directory for the ContentStore. Usually called "Data"
Backup: location for file system backups
Export: default location for exports
7Zip: the location of the 7-Zip executable. This is used by the backup job to compress the files in the data directory
The 1 or 0 in the "Numeric" measure is a true/false switch to apply default settings based on the Instance parameter value which assumes a standard naming of subdirectories. To use the standard structure you need only to enter the correct path (with trailing backslash) against the instance parameter (and check that the correct subfolders exist).
To use custom folder locations enter 0 in the "Numeric" measure and the "String" measure will become writeable.
The }APQ Settings cube is a standard configuration parameters cube used by Cubewise. For the Apliqo UX ContentStore most parameters are not relevant and can be ignored.
Only the stared parameters above are essential.
» Optional parameters
For the ContentStore only the stared parameters above are mandatory but it is also possible to enter some additional parameters.
» Instance name parameters
These parameters are more for informational purposes.
The only one which has any impact on ContentStore behaviour is TM1 Server Name which is used for file naming when creating backup archives.
» Bedrock control parameters
The ContentStore contains a small collection of bedrock 4 library processes. When calling bedrock processes other processes from the ContentStore look up this location for the delimiters to use.
There is no reason to ever change these values from the standard ones.