Task Scheduler Configuration

Task Scheduler Configuration

Enable Task Scheduler

In order for Task Scheduler to appear in the Apliqo UX Settings dropdown list, following option needs to be enabled in default.constant.js file, which is available in the apq-c3-custom/ js folder.



» Create 'externals' folder

In the settings.json file in the WEB-INF/config folder configure:

externalTasksFolderName: The location for storing the task files.

• ApliqoServer\webapps\appName\WEB-INF\config\tasks\externals

"taskSettings": { "externalTasksFolderName": "externals",

Note: externals folder is the default location for storing task files, however it will not be automatically generated. Please remember to add it manually under the location provided above before creating any tasks.

» Check printerStartingPort option

In the settings.json file in the WEB-INF/config folder configure:

printerStartingPort: In order for the export options to work correctly make sure to set the value for this option to 0.

"printerStartingPort": 0,

» Configure credentials

In the settings.json file in the WEB-INF/config folder under "taskSettings" configure:

credentials: Configure the instance, userName, useCAM and camNamespace:

  • instance: TM1 Instance

  • userName: TM1 User

  • useCAM: Set to 'true' if you're using CAM security (boolean values)

  • camNamespace: CAM Namespace (string value)

  • Input the password used as cleartext in the password parameter. It will then be encoded and encrypted and saved back into the file.

  • encryptedCredential will be auto-generated after restarting the Apliqo Application Services.

"taskSettings": { "externalTasksFolderName": "externals", "credentials": [ { "instance": "contentStore", "userName": "demo1", "password": "", "encryptedCredential": "", "useCAM": true, "camNamespace":"" }, { "instance": "UX_Demo", "userName": "demo1", "password": "", "encryptedCredential": "", "useCAM": true, "camNamespace":"" } ], "logUserImpersonation": false },

Note: Credentials need to be set per instance, as the CAM Namespace might differ, even when using the same username and password.

» Update Port number, host & Protocol

In the default.constant.js file in the apq-c3-custom\js folder configure:

  • "PORT_NUMBER":  Port Number - Apliqo Server is configured with. (e.g. 8880)

  • "TASK_BASE_PROTOCOL": Protocol - Apliqo Server is configured with. (e.g. http or https)

  • "TASK_BASE_HOST": Host DNS - Apliqo Server is configured with. (e.g. some-other.dns)


» Add credentials for the contentstore instance

Note: For the Task Scheduler to work properly it is necessary to add configured credentials to BatchJobCredentialJSON measure in }APQ UX Instance Attributes cube:

  • add configured credentials only for the contentstore instance

  • password and encryptedCredential are individually generated, please copy them from settings.json file

  • make sure that the added credentials match exactly those in the settings.json file (all data models need to be included)

» Email configuration

Task Scheduler allows users to send emails, configure the following SMTP settings in the settings.json file in the WEB-INF/config folder to enable this option:

"smtpPort": 22, 465 or 587


Below configuration is just an example, please use the company credentials to set up the SMTP settings.

After updating the SMTP settings restart the Apliqo Application Services.

"smtpServer": "email-smtp.us-east-1.amazonaws.com", "smtpPort": 587, "smtpSSL": true, "smtpUser": "AKIAW3CPGB6IC24VAY6M", "smtpPassword": "adsasd", "smtpEmailFrom": "apliqo.dev@cubewise.com",

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