Installing Apliqo UX on a linux server
Installation Process
» Get the hostname
Type in the command:
> hostname
Note: Please email the response back to get a license file generated.
» Download the file
Download and extract the latest version of tomcat 9 (apache-tomcat-9.0.85.tar.gz) into /opt/ tomcat
» Install the open jdk
Download and install the latest version of openjdk8.
> sudo apt install openjdk-8-jre
» Configure the environment
Configured tomcat environment variables:
> export CATALINA_HOME=/opt/tomcat
> export CATALINA_BASE=/opt/tomcat
> export JRE_HOME=/usr/lib/jvm/jre
> export JAVA_HOME=/usr/lib/jvm/jre
» Configuration
Configure tomcat. Change ports etc... Edit the /opt/tomcat/conf/server.xml file to change the ports.
By default the port for tomcat is 8080
» Config the license
Copy validator.exe into /opt/tomcat/bin
You can find newest version of validator.exe under this link.
Copy Canvas license file (License.xml or Canvas.xml) into /opt/tomcat/conf (This will be provided after step one is completed). We will require the hostname of the machine (ie the string that is returned by running the hostname command on the command line)
» Start the Tomcat
Start the tomcat server using the following command:
» Shutdown the Tomcat
To shutdown the tomcat use the following command:
» Copy the Apliqo UX file
Copy the contents of the ApliqoUX.<version>.zip file into /opt/tomcat/webapps/ApliqoUX (or whatever name you desire)
» WEB-INF Configuration
Ensure the WEB-INF/instances.json file is configured correctly
The restUri settings need to be correct for the contentStore and the main DB.
They need to be pointing to the REST URLs of the tm1 instances.
Make sure the name of the DB is correct.
Ensure the ports are open for the tm1 servers that are defined in the instances.json file. The restUri parameters.
» Firewall checks
Make sure that the firewall isn't blocking any of the needed ports.
Incoming HTTP port for tomcat as defined in /opt/tomcat/conf/server.xml
Outgoing rest ports as defined in the WEB-INF/instances.json file
» Access Check
Ensure that the process running tomcat has write access to the tomcat webapps folders. If not give it write access.
» Restart the Tomcat
» Configure Export to PDF functionality
Install Google Chrome (different instructions depending on your platform... google how to do it for you version of linux.)
Create a symbolic link for chrome.exe pointing to the location of the google-chrome executable
Add in extra parameters to printerAdditionalParameters in /opt/tomcat/webapps/ Apliqo_Dev/WEB-INF/config/settings.json
"printerAdditionalParameters": ["--no-sandbox"]
Edit /opt/tomcat/webapps/Apliqo_Demo/apq-c3-custom/js/default.constant.js file and ensure that toolbar: exportPDFButtonEnabled is set to true.
Restart tomcat9
Start Tomcat
Shutdown Tomcat