Training: Phasing Methods
Revenue and expense planning share the same Phasing Methods. Balance Sheet planning does not use phasing methods.
Description | Seasonality Profile | Short Name | Info |
Even Phasing | FYEVEN | Even | This profile spreads the yearly value evenly into each month (each monthly value = yearly value * 0.8333) |
Even from Q2 | FRQ2EVEN | Even frm Q2 | This profile will create a zero forecast for the 1st 3 months and evenly spread the yearly value to remaining 9 months. |
Even from Q3 | H2EVEN | Even frm Q3 | This profile will create a zero forecast for the 1st 6 months and evenly spread the yearly value to the 2nd 6 months. |
Even from Q4 | FRQ4EVEN | Even frm Q4 | This profile will create a zero forecast for the 1st 9 months and evenly spread the yearly value to remaining 3 months. |
1st Half Only Even | H1EVEN | H1 Even | This profile will evenly spread the yearly value to the 1st 6 months and create a zero forecast for the 2nd 6 months. |
1st Month of Qtr | M1QTR | Mth 1 of Qtr | This profile will evenly split the yearly value into 4 and place the value in the 1st month of each quarter. |
2nd Month of Qtr | M2QTR | Mth 2 of Qtr | This profile will evenly split the yearly value into 4 and place the value in the 2nd month of each quarter. |
3rd Month of Qtr | M3QTR | Mth 3 of Qtr | This profile will evenly split the yearly value into 4 and place the value in the 3rd month of each quarter. |
Days in Month | MONTHDAYS | Days in Month | This profile spreads the yearly value based on the number of calendar days per month. |
Working Days | WORKDAYS | Workdays | This profile spreads the yearly value based on the number of work days per month. |
FY linear growth from zero | FYINCFRMZ | Linear Growth | This profile grows each monthly contribution to the yearly total in a linear fashion from a zero origin (so month 1 is ~1% of the yearly total and month 12 contributes ~15%). Suitable for some project expenses or new product introductions. |
linear growith from Q2 | FRQ2INCFRMZ | Growth frm Q2 | This profile grows each monthly contribution to the yearly total in a linear fashion from a zero origin in month 3 (so month 4 is ~2% of the yearly total and month 12 contributes ~20%). Suitable for some project expenses or new product introductions. |
linear growth from Q3 | FRMQ3INCFRMZ | Growth frm Q3 | This profile grows each monthly contribution to the yearly total in a linear fashion from a zero origin in month 6 (so month 7 is ~5% of the yearly total and month 12 contributes ~30%). Suitable for some project expenses or new product introductions. |
linear growth from Q4 | FRMQ4INCFRMZ | Growth frm Q4 | This profile grows each monthly contribution to the yearly total in a linear fashion from a zero origin in month 9 (so month 10 is ~17% of the yearly total and month 12 contributes ~50%). Suitable for some project expenses or new product introductions. |
FY linear decline to zero | FYDECTOZ | Linear Decline | This profile is the opposite of 'FY linear growth from zero'. This profile shrinks each monthly contribution to the yearly total in a linear fashion (so month 1 is ~15% of the yearly total and month 12 contributes ~1%). Suitable for phase outs. |
S-Curve growth | SCURVE | S-curve | This profile grows each monthly contribution to the yearly total using an s-curve with exponential growth in the 1st 3 quarters which flattens out in the last quarter. Suitable for some project expenses or new product introductions. More realistic than linear growth projections. |
Last Year Actual | PYACT | LY Act | This profile spreads the yearly value to each month based on each month's contribution to the total year from the previous year's actual reference data. |
Current Year Budget | FBUD | CY Bud | This profile spreads the yearly value to each month based on each month's contribution to the total year from the current year's budget reference data. |
Mix CY Actual/LY Actual | ACTPYACT | Act/LY Act | This profile spreads the yearly value to each month based on each month's contribution to the total year from the current year's actual/LY actual reference data. |
Mix CY Actual/Budget | ACTBUD | Act/Bud | This profile spreads the yearly value to each month based on each month's contribution to the total year from the current year's actual/budget reference data. |
Mix CY Actual/Forecast | ACTFCST | Act/Fcst | This profile spreads the yearly value to each month based on each month's contribution to the total year from the current year's actual/forecast reference data. |
Reference Account | REFACCOUNT | Reference Account | This profile spreads the yearly value to each month based on the phasing of the selected reference account (e.g. phase COGS as per Revenue). |
Custom (Manual Entry) | CUSTOM | Custom | This profile allows the user to enter a custom phasing as manual entry. Note: this is not often used as if this degree of control is desired then the user may as well select manual entry per month as the forecast driver. |
As planned per S&OP | PLNSOP | As per SOP | This profile spreads the yearly value to each month based on the phasing of the Sales & Operation Plan (SOP). Note: this is a customization. |
As per Backlog plus Fcst | BLFCT | As per BL/Fcst | This profile spreads the yearly value to each month based on the phasing of the Backlog. Note: this is a customization. |
Days Sales Outstanding KPI | DSO |
| This profile spreads the yearly value to each month based on the DSO KPI values per month. |
Days Payables Outstanding KPI | DPO |
| This profile spreads the yearly value to each month based on the DPO KPI values per month. |
Days in Inventory KPI | DII |
| This profile spreads the yearly value to each month based on the DII KPI values per month. |
As per Revenue | PREV | As per Revenue | This profile spreads the yearly value to each month based on the phasing of revenue (e.g. same as the 'Reference Account' method but the reference account is always revenue). |