Training: Phasing Methods

Training: Phasing Methods

Revenue and expense planning share the same Phasing Methods. Balance Sheet planning does not use phasing methods.


Seasonality Profile

Short Name


Even Phasing



This profile spreads the yearly value evenly into each month (each monthly value = yearly value * 0.8333)

Even from Q2


Even frm Q2

This profile will create a zero forecast for the 1st 3 months and evenly spread the yearly value to remaining 9 months.

Even from Q3


Even frm Q3

This profile will create a zero forecast for the 1st 6 months and evenly spread the yearly value to the 2nd 6 months.

Even from Q4


Even frm Q4

This profile will create a zero forecast for the 1st 9 months and evenly spread the yearly value to remaining 3 months.

1st Half Only Even


H1 Even

This profile will evenly spread the yearly value to the 1st 6 months and create a zero forecast for the 2nd 6 months.

1st Month of Qtr


Mth 1 of Qtr

This profile will evenly split the yearly value into 4 and place the value in the 1st month of each quarter.

2nd Month of Qtr


Mth 2 of Qtr

This profile will evenly split the yearly value into 4 and place the value in the 2nd month of each quarter.

3rd Month of Qtr


Mth 3 of Qtr

This profile will evenly split the yearly value into 4 and place the value in the 3rd month of each quarter.

Days in Month


Days in Month

This profile spreads the yearly value based on the number of calendar days per month.

Working Days



This profile spreads the yearly value based on the number of work days per month.

FY linear growth from zero


Linear Growth

This profile grows each monthly contribution to the yearly total in a linear fashion from a zero origin (so month 1 is ~1% of the yearly total and month 12 contributes ~15%). Suitable for some project expenses or new product introductions.

linear growith from Q2


Growth frm Q2

This profile grows each monthly contribution to the yearly total in a linear fashion from a zero origin in month 3 (so month 4 is ~2% of the yearly total and month 12 contributes ~20%). Suitable for some project expenses or new product introductions.

linear growth from Q3


Growth frm Q3

This profile grows each monthly contribution to the yearly total in a linear fashion from a zero origin in month 6 (so month 7 is ~5% of the yearly total and month 12 contributes ~30%). Suitable for some project expenses or new product introductions.

linear growth from Q4


Growth frm Q4

This profile grows each monthly contribution to the yearly total in a linear fashion from a zero origin in month 9 (so month 10 is ~17% of the yearly total and month 12 contributes ~50%). Suitable for some project expenses or new product introductions.

FY linear decline to zero


Linear Decline

This profile is the opposite of 'FY linear growth from zero'. This profile shrinks each monthly contribution to the yearly total in a linear fashion (so month 1 is ~15% of the yearly total and month 12 contributes ~1%). Suitable for phase outs.

S-Curve growth



This profile grows each monthly contribution to the yearly total using an s-curve with exponential growth in the 1st 3 quarters which flattens out in the last quarter. Suitable for some project expenses or new product introductions. More realistic than linear growth projections.

Last Year Actual


LY Act

This profile spreads the yearly value to each month based on each month's contribution to the total year from the previous year's actual reference data.

Current Year Budget


CY Bud

This profile spreads the yearly value to each month based on each month's contribution to the total year from the current year's budget reference data.

Mix CY Actual/LY Actual


Act/LY Act

This profile spreads the yearly value to each month based on each month's contribution to the total year from the current year's actual/LY actual reference data.

Mix CY Actual/Budget



This profile spreads the yearly value to each month based on each month's contribution to the total year from the current year's actual/budget reference data.

Mix CY Actual/Forecast



This profile spreads the yearly value to each month based on each month's contribution to the total year from the current year's actual/forecast reference data.

Reference Account


Reference Account

This profile spreads the yearly value to each month based on the phasing of the selected reference account (e.g. phase COGS as per Revenue).

Custom (Manual Entry)



This profile allows the user to enter a custom phasing as manual entry. Note: this is not often used as if this degree of control is desired then the user may as well select manual entry per month as the forecast driver.

As planned per S&OP


As per SOP

This profile spreads the yearly value to each month based on the phasing of the Sales & Operation Plan (SOP). Note: this is a customization.

As per Backlog plus Fcst


As per BL/Fcst

This profile spreads the yearly value to each month based on the phasing of the Backlog. Note: this is a customization.

Days Sales Outstanding KPI



This profile spreads the yearly value to each month based on the DSO KPI values per month.

Days Payables Outstanding KPI



This profile spreads the yearly value to each month based on the DPO KPI values per month.

Days in Inventory KPI



This profile spreads the yearly value to each month based on the DII KPI values per month.

As per Revenue


As per Revenue

This profile spreads the yearly value to each month based on the phasing of revenue (e.g. same as the 'Reference Account' method but the reference account is always revenue).


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