Dimension Definition

The Dimension Definition allows for part or all of the hierarchy definition to be maintained in Apliqo FPM.

To use the Dimension Definition, first create an automation step with the source type of Cube. In the automation step you will need to set the Source Index and the Template Type. Once this is done select the Definition tab in the Business Segment maintenance page.

At the Dimension Definition tab it is important to select the correct Hierarchy and Source Index that corresponds with Source Index selected in the automation step. The Row Index is the first row show in the table. There are 150 rows shown in the table. The Row Index is in increments of 100 rows.


To start building the hierarchy you will need to at some columns to the Dimension Definition. Click the Add Level button on the toolbar.


Different column headings will appear depending on the Template Type. If the Template Type is ‘ByRollup’ the column heading of Level 1 and Level 2 will appear. Clicking on the Add Level button again will add Level 3. If the Template Type is ‘byParentChild’ then the column headings will be Element and Parent 1. Clicking on the Add Level button again will add Parent 2.


Clicking on the Remove Level button will remove the last column on the right. Any data in the column is deleted.


Select the type of the element.

N - Only numeric data can stored against the leaf element.

S - Only string data can stored against the leaf element.

C - The element is a consolidated element.

Onlys C and N element type should be used for the Business Segment. C for consolidate elements and N for leaf elements. N is the default element type when the Type is null.


The weight multiplier that is applied when summing up the components of a consolidation. The default weight is 1.


The Template Type determines the layout of the parent-child relationship.

ByRollup - This template type closely represents how the hierarchy is presented in the subset editor. Starting from the top of the rollup in the Level 1 column. The next level down in the hierarchy is listed in Level 2 columns on a subsequent row. Level 3 of the hierarchy is in the Level 3 column and so on for each level in the hierarchy. Elements that are in the same column are on the same level in hierarchy. Elements in the next column are components of the element that is in the previous column the directly above the element.

In the following example:

The top of the rollup is ‘Total FIN BSEG 1’. ‘Total FIN BSEG 1’ has two components, ‘NA FIN BSEG 1’ and ‘10’. ‘NA FIN BSEG 1’ is a leaf element and ‘10’ is a consolidation. ‘10’ has two components, ‘1010’ and ‘1020’ which are both consolidations. Under ‘1010’ and ‘1020’ are leaf elements of the 'Total FIN BSEG 1' rollup.

For the ByRollup template, level is from the top of the rollup. Element with the N element type are the leaves of the rollup.

ByParentChild - On each row the Dimension Definition the parent relationship to the previous column is defined. Each row defines the relationship of elements between Element to Parent1, and Parent 1 to Parent 2, etc. Up to eight parent to parent relationships can be defined on a single row.

In this example the same rollup as above is represented as a parent-child relationship.

For same Total FIN BSEG 1 rollup as the ByRollup can be expressed using the ByParentChild rollup. The leaf element are listed in the Element column. Their direct parent element are listed in the Parent1 column. And so on, up to the rollup to the ‘Total FIN BSEG 1’ element. Note that the relationship between ‘10’ element and ‘Total FIN BSEG 1’ element is entered once despite element ‘10’ appearing on more than one row. The same applies for relationship between leaf elements ‘GE429’, ‘GE449’, and ‘GE600’ to the ‘1020’ element. The parent-child relationship only needs to be defined once. It is best practice to only set the parent-child relationship between components once to avoids circular references or leaf elements appearing different nodes of the rollup.

The Type will determine if the Element is a consolidation or a leaf element. Parent element are always consolidated elements.

Compact - Is the same as ByParentChild except only the element and its direct parent can defined on each row of the dimension definition.

In this example the same Total FIN BSEG 1 rollup is define using the Compact template type.

In the Compact template type only the direct parent-child relationship is defined. Each relationship is defined on a new row. The Type will determine if the element is a consolidation or a leaf element.

Empty rows are ignored.

Adding or Deleting a Row

Rows can be inserted or deleted. Click on the Add button at the row the rows need to be inserted. Enter the number of rows that need to be inserted.

Click on the Delete button on the row that needs to be deleted. Enter the number of rows that needs deleted.


Unlike other source types the definition and update of attributes is handled from the Dimension Definition page. The attribute definition can be found on the automation step.

Add an Attribute

Click on the Add Attribute button to add a new attribute.





Attribute Name

The name of the attribute as seen in the subset editor.

Attribute Type

The value that is enter against the attribute:

N(umeric) - Allow only numeric values. Can be used in calculations.

S(tring) - Allow only string values.

A(lias) - A special string attribute that can be used to refer to the element instead of the principal name of the element. Must be unique in the hierarchy.

Alias Format

Applies when the Attribute Type is an Alias. Different combinations of the element principal name and the attribute value entered in the Dimension Definition page that are concationated when build in the dimension.


Regionalisation of the attribute. Allows for the maintenence of the same attribute name for a different region. The regional attribute will be displayed depending on the region of the browser.

Delete an Attribute

Click on the Delete Attribute button to add a new attribute.






The attribute index to be deleted.

Attribute Name

The attribute name of the attribute to be deleted.

Clearing the Dimension Definition

The Dimension Definition can be cleared by clicking on the Upload from Excel button and clicking on the Clear the Dimension Definition button.

Upload from Excel

The dimension definition can managed in excel and loaded to the Dimension Definition page.

Creating a Excel Upload Sheet

To create an Excel upload sheet click on Export > Excel (Upload Format). This will download an Excel workbook the current Row Index. If the dimension definition extends over multiple row indexes repeat the process and switch the Excel workborks into one workbook.

Updating the Excel Upload Sheet

When updating the Upload Sheet in Excel with changes to the dimension definition please consider.

  • The columns headings in row 1 correspond with the row headings in the Dimension Definition. Row 1 must appear in the upload sheet. The order of the column is irrelevant to the upload process.

  • The index in column 1 is the rows of the dimension definition. Each row should have an index and the row index should be unique. If the row is not unique then the last row uploaded will appear in the dimension definition page.

Uploading the Excel Upload Sheet

  1. Click on the Update from Excel button to open the popup.

  2. The uploading from Excel is incremental. Clear the Dimension Definition before loading the Excel upload by clicking on the Clear the Dimension Definition button and confirm the data be be cleared.

  3. Drag or Select Excel Upload workbook. Click on the Upload button

  4. Confirm the data that is to be loaded. Click Load.

  5. Once loaded close the popup.

Building the Business Segment

Click on the Build Dimension button. Confirm to build the dimension.