Migration to the Latest Apliqo FPM Release

Migration to the Latest Apliqo FPM Release

As Apliqo FPM 2024.01 the migration path is to migrate the metadata and data from the existing Apliqo FPM install to the next release. To complete the migration, you will need enough system resources to have both the existing Apliqo FPM and the latest Apliqo FPM. This can be split over different servers.

Notes about Migrating Apliqo FPM


The Catalog Framework does not export client passwords. Passwords need to be manually reset in the release Apliqo FPM. Remember to replicate the new passwords to the contentStore.

Excluding unused Apliqo FPM modules from the Migration collection

The Migration Catalogues are divided into Apliqo FPM modules. There is a catalog for metadata and data for each Apliqo FPM module. Modules that are not used by the customer can be excluded from the migration export by ticking the catalog in the Collections page (Option A). This will exclude the catalog from been exported when the collection is exported.

Standard Apliqo FPM Catalogues

There are standard Apliqo FPM catalogues. These contain standard Apliqo FPM objects and definitions that should exist in all models. These catalogues are not exported from the existing model. They are only imported into the new Apliqo FPM model after the existing Apliqo FPM catalogues have been imported. The timing of the import is indicated by the migration collection order.

Exporting the Migration Collection

There are two approaches to exporting the Migration Collection from the existing Apliqo FPM.

  • Option A: Patch the existing Apliqo FPM with the Catalog Framework. This option provides the Catalog user interface to export the Migration Collection. This is the only option if you intend to migrate customisations from the existing Apliqo FPM using the Catalog Framework.

  • Option B: Explains how to export the Migration Catalog from the existing Apliqo FPM using ARC. The existing Apliqo FPM is not patched. How customisations are migrated is up to the implementer.

Option A: Use the Catalog Framework on the existing Apliqo FPM.

Step 1: Install the Catalog Framework on the existing Apliqo FPM.

Option A requires the installation of the Catalog framework. Once installed you can use the Catalog framework UI to run the migration collection. Option A is the only option if there are customisations to the existing Apliqo FPM instance that needs to migrate across to the new Apliqo FPM instance.

If this is first time the Catalog Framework is being used. We need to establish the code changes for the Catalog framework in the existing Apliqo FPM.

  1. Stop the existing Apliqo FPM instance.

  2. Copy all the TM1 files under following file paths to the \\[existing Apliqo FPM]\data folder:

    1. \\[Apliqo FPM Release]\data\catalog\patch\upm-113 catalog\processes\

    2. \\[Apliqo FPM Release]\data\catalog\patch\upm-113 catalog\subsets\

    3. \\[Apliqo FPM Release]\data\catalog\patch\upm-113 non catalog changes\processes\

  3. Restart the existing Apliqo FPM instance.

  4. Download the latest catolog framework. On the existing Apliqo FPM instance import the remaining \\[file path]\upm-113 catalog changes using the process: }APQ.Server.Catalog.Import. Set the import processes and import subset parameter to 1.

  5. Restart the Apliqo FPM instance.

  6. On the existing Apliqo FPM instance, use the ContentStore toolkit to import the Catalog appPage a701.z4 from \\[file path]\upm-113 catalog\apps\. Refresh your browser to update the Administration Menu with the app changes.

  7. Open the Administration\Catalog page.

  8. Open the Settings popup and set the File Path to the location of the catalogues for the existing Apliqo FPM instance, typically it is \\[Existing Apliqo FPM]\\data\catalog\.

Step 2: Export the Migration Collection

  1. Download the catalog, upm-113 migration collection.

  2. Import the upm-113 migration collection definition into the Catalog module.

    1. In the Catalog appPage, go to the Import Catalog page.

    2. Enter the directory, \\[Apliqo FPM Release]\data\catalog\patch\upm-113 migration collection.

    3. Click on Import.

  3. Go the Collection page and select the Migration collection. These are the catalogues that make up the Migration collection. Each catalog represents a module in Apliqo FPM for the metadata and data. The Order is the order the migration catalogues need to be imported.

  4. Click on Settings and confirm that the Apliqo FPM settings are correct for the environment. The Catalog Framework uses the backup, export folder, sourcedata folder, runti and splicer components. These components should be set up and working before exporting or importing catalogues.

Modify the migration collection.

If required, a catalog under the migration collection can be modified in the Create Catalog tab.

Select the Migration collection. Select the catalog under the migration collection to be modified.

See Catalog section for more details about creating and updating catalogs.

Exporting the Migration Collection.

On the Collection tab, click on Export Collection. Set Export Catalogues to Yes. Click on Export Collection.

This process will export the entire Migration Collection to \\[File Path]\migration\. The amount of time and disk space required to export the Migration Collection will depend on the amount data in the existing Apliqo FPM instance. The catalogues can be export separately if required.

Adding custom snapshot versions.

The General Ledger catalog exports the standard snapshot versions, FCST02 to FCST13, and FBUD version. If the customer has added their own snapshot versions or budget versions, these versions need to be added to the General Ledger catalog. All Working Versions will be copied in the standard General Ledger catalog.

This can be done by going to the Create Catalog page and select the Migration\General Ledger catalog. Add the custom snapshot versions to the General Ledger catalog. An exist catalog step can be copied. Select the catalog step and click on Copy Catalog. The new record will be added to the end all catalog steps with the same index. Click on the cube icon to change the cube filter that to be exported. Change the file suffix to something unique.

The custom versions' metadata will be exported and imported in the Version Time catalog. No updates required for the Version Time catalog.

For the planning modules: Expense, Revenue, Balance Sheet, Travel Planning and Marketing Planning, only the Working Versions, FBUD version and the Last Forecast version are migrated. If additional snapshots or budget versions need to be migrated for the planning modules, then these versions need to be added to the Balance Sheet, Revenue and Expense catalogues.

The FIN Workforce Planning catalog exports the standard snapshot versions, FCST02 to FCST13, and FBUD versions. If the customer has added their own snapshot versions or budget versions, these versions need to be added to the FIN Workforce Planning catalog.

Option B: Export the migration collection from the processes.

Option B can be used if the existing Apliqo FPM instance has no customisations or additional versions. Or the customisation can be moved through the file system in the TM1 backend.

Step 1: Establishing the migration collection on the existing server.

  1. Download and decompress the migration collection.

  2. Copy the \\[File Path]\catalog\migration\ folder on the server where the existing Apliqo FPM is running.

Step 2: Export the Migration Collection

  1. Log onto the exist Apliqo FPM using Arc.

  2. Run the process: }APQ.Server.Catalog.Caller

  3. Enter the full path to the migration collection catalog.csv file.

  4. Enter EXPORT as the action.

  5. Enter the number of processors threads the process is allowed to use.

  6. Accept the default values for all other parameters. Execute the process.

Exporting individual migration catalogues.

Individual catalog can be exported using the process: }APQ.Server.Catalog.Export.

  1. Enter the full path to the catalog.

  2. Accept the default values for all other parameters. Execute the process.

Install the Latest Apliqo FPM Release

On a clean environment install the latest Apliqo FPM release as per the installation instructions.

ApliqoFPM Installer - Windows

Importing the Migration Collection.

Apliqo FPM is a complex model with many dependencies. The migration process makes many data and metadata changes to the Release Apliqo FPM instance. For these reasons the migration collection has been broken up into desecrate catalogues that need to be imported in the order specified in the Migration collection.

  1. Copy the \migration\ folder from \\[Existing Apliqo FPM]\data\catalog\ to \\[Apliqo FPM Release]\data\catalog\. If both the release and the existing Apliqo FPM instance are on the same server, the same folder can be used for export and import of the Migration collection.

  2. On the Release Apliqo FPM instance, go to the Catalog appPage. Select the Import Catalog page.

  3. Import each catalog in the Migration collection in order by specifying the full path to the catalog directory.

  4. Check the result of each import in the Release Apliqo FPM before proceeding. Changes can be made the catalog on the existing Apliqo FPM instance and re-exported and then re-import to get the desired result.


The existing Apliqo FPM instance will have customisations that need to be brought into the release Apliqo FPM. This can be done using the Catalog framework.

  1. In existing Apliqo FPM, go to the Collections page. Click on Add Collection to create your own collection called Customisations.

  2. Click on Add Catalog to create a new catalog in the Customisations collection. It best that a catalog focuses on one customisation. If required, additional catalogues can be added to the Customisation collection.

  3. Go to the Create Catalog page. Select your custom catalog and build your own catalog of the customisations.

  4. Export the customisations from the existing Apliqo FPM instance.

  5. Import the customisation into the release Apliqo FPM instance. Some changes, such as processes, views and subset files that are imported through the catalog framework require the server to be restarted.

  6. Custom apps need to be exported and imported using the ContentStore toolkit.


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