Training: Time

Training: Time

Set the Current Financial Month

The current financial month can be fixed or determined by the system clock.

In this training material we assume that financial year is fixed to 2023-Jun. The follow walkthrough will set the current financial.


Set the date ranges.

The current date range can be determined using the T Year-Month dimension. This can be seen under the Group Years consolidation.


In this case we have more periods than we need decrease the financial year to from 2021 to 2026.

Things to consider when setting the Date Range.

  • The maximum date range is from 2010 to 2060.

  • The number of historical financial periods required to stored in Apliqo FPM. While is possible to store load financial data from 2010. The more data affect the amount of memory the model consumes, the start-up time of the model to load that data into memory, the amount of file storage. The greater the date range, the more elements in the T Year-Month dimension, the more elements that need to be read into the subset editor.

  • The number of calculated actual years. A limited number of actual years are calculated. This is determined in the Settings > Apliqo FPM Params.


    - the Current Year Fin is the current financial year.
    - the Number of calculated years in ACT is the number of historical financial years including the current financial year to calculated.
    - the First ACT Year FIN is the first historical financial year that is calculated.
    These years must be part of the date range.

  • The number of future calculated actual years. For the purposes of uploading the clients current budget and current forecast though the FIN General Ledger cube a number of future financial years are calculated. This is determined in the Settings > Apliqo FPM Params.


    - the Current Year Fin is the current financial year.
    - the Number of Calculated Future Years is the number of additional financial that are calculated.
    - the Last Calculated Year is the Last Year that is calculated.
    These years must be part of the date range.

  • The number of financial years that are to be planned.


Training: Versions

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