Apps export & import

Export and import processes in ContentStore are invaluable tools for sharing content between different instances. Whether it's promoting screens from a development environment to production or collaborating with other teams, these processes streamline content sharing and migration. By following the steps outlined in this documentation, users can efficiently export and import applications, views, and dashboards.

This group of processes are used for exporting apps out of one ContentStore instance and importing into another instance:

  • }APQ.UX.Dim.App.Export โ†’ export selected app, view or dashboard

  • }APQ.UX.Dim.App.Export.All โ†’ export all apps

  • }APQ.UX.Dim.App.Import โ†’ import selected app, view or dashboard

  • }APQ.UX.Dim.App.Import.All โ†’ import all apps

In the standard "out-of-the-box" security configuration that ships with the ContentStore only members of the "APQ Admin" group have access to export and import apps. If you want to allow report builders (power users) to also have access to this functionality then all you need to do is give the "APQ PUser" group read level access to the export and import processes


Access the ContentStore Management Utility by launching the UX Toolkit app. From there, go to the "Maintenance" tab, followed by "Security," and then select "Set App Security."

ยป App export

Click on the yellow dot visible in the screenshot below to proceed with the demo, each click (on the dot) will take you to the next step.


For bulk content sharing or migration purposes, the APQ.UX.Dim.App.Export.All process allows users to export all apps present in the current ContentStore instance. This process significantly reduces the manual effort of selecting individual applications.


ยป App import

Click on the yellow dot visible in the screenshot below to proceed with the demo, each click (on the dot) will take you to the next step.
