Apliqo UX SLA for issues and enhancements

SLA guidelines

» Issues



Response Time

Resolution Time (Best effort)



Response Time

Resolution Time (Best effort)




Blocker/ Critical

Fundamentally broken, impact on the entire application. No workaround options available.


◦ Wrong data being displayed

◦ Cannot write / writing wrong values

◦ Existing view/ dashboard / wizard does not load

◦ Cannot login

◦ Valid MDX / rest calls are failing against the server

◦ Security issue – data leak, critical vulnerability

◦ Broken functionality across the application (export excel / PDF / Import data)

24 hours 

  • Support team might override the issue priority based on the guidelines

  • Initial response on the ticket

  • Make sure all required info needed to replicate the issue is available

  • Status changed to open

Addressed through a Fix Pack ASAP

Gets addressed on the current week / sprint




Major functionality partially broken, impact on a specific report.
No workaround options available.


  • Single component not working (column chart is broken but all others load correctly)

  • Single view / dashboard not loading 

  • Broken functionality in single report 

  • Noticeable performance issues by many users (many requests / requests loading time) 

  • Broken functionality on mobile / tablet devices 

24 hours 

  • Support team might override the issue priority based on the guidelines

  • Initial response on the ticket

  • Make sure all required info needed to replicate the issue is available

  • Status changed to open

Addressed through a Fix Pack

Gets addressed on the upcoming 2 week / sprints





Small impact on the application, does not have impact on end users.
Workaround options available.


  • Unnoticeable performance issues (many requests / requests loading time)

  • Noticeable performance issues by single user (many requests / requests loading time) 

  • Custom CSS  

  • Custom widgets 

  • Display issues on Mobile and Tablet devices 

  • Broken functionality in a single report (export excel / PDF / Import data) 

24 hours 

  • Support team might override the issue priority based on the guidelines

  • Initial response on the ticket

  • Make sure all required info needed to replicate the issue is available

  • Status changed to open

Addressed  through a regular release cycle 

Goal to include a fix in 1 or 2 releases

General comment about performance issues:

Needs to be proved that they are caused by UX and not by e.g. TM1 server, infrastructure or network issues.

» Enhancements


Response Time


Response Time


Major or Minor 

7 days

  • Initial response on the ticket – under investigation

  • Make sure no more info is needed to replicate the issue

  • Goes into roadmap discussion 

  • Once added to Trello link to the bitbucket issue and communicate