White papers

White papers

Apliqo has created 3 white papers

  • Unified Performance Management as a way to unleash value and drive better outcomes.

  • Fast closing, reporting and disclosure of financial statements with improved efficiency and accuracy.

  • Advanced Financial Planning and Value Based Management — A practical example


Unified Performance Management as a way to unleash value and drive better outcomes.

Key concepts:

  • Importance of Performance Management and its impact to value creation

  • Misuse of technology leads to unsatisfactory Performance Management solutions

  • The majority of the so called Performance Management solutions are actually just Profit & Loss Reporting systems and fail to integrate strategic, financial and operational planning into one coherent loop. Missing out on Cash flow metrics and value creation

  • Functional databases are much better suited to perform the task of Integrated planning than relational database systems and common Performance Management solutions offered by most vendors

  • The key enabler for a successful roll out is the know-how to properly build a fully integrated business model into a functional database



Fast closing, reporting and disclosure of Financial Statements with improved efficiency and accuracy.

A white paper on common business challenges and requirements of today’s Office of Finance that discusses how you can overcome these hurdles with modern financial consolidation and close software.




Advanced Financial Planning and Value Based Management —
A practical example

Key concepts:

  • Advanced Financial Planning (AFP) - identify relevant value drivers, understand sensitivites and create what-if scenarios around key value drivers.

  • Value Based Management (VBM) as key concept to managing and executing strategy by identifying drivers that the company should focus on.

  • Measure and allocate cost of capital to optimize capital allocation in an organization.

  • When VBM and AFP are implemented, this can unleash tremendous value in the organizations by aligning strategy with operational execution and focusing the allocation of resources to where they can yield the highest returns.