Enhanced Scenario Planning
The enhanced Scenario planning provides the ability to model scenarios with to simulate investment outcomes over time. Plan, compare and visualize up to 4 scenarios with different investments and expected fund performance in value development and cash flow development.
It enables the investment team to
Simulate buy/sell Investments
Manage projection assumptions for cash flows and value development
Compare Scenarios
Analyse the impact on region and sector Allocation and Investors
The most likely planning scenario can be copied to the Current version.
Scenarios can maintain different planning assumptions for the investments. The investments are shared across all scenarios, including the current version.
The Investment Manager has the possibility to:
Access the projected value development and cash flows for future quarters
Aggregate investment projections in break downs, like vintage, manager or strategy
Aggregate investment projections per Investor and Investment Vehicle
Assign Planning Assumptions to investments
Override the automatic projection models with manual values
Adjust the expected value developments per strategy or vintage
Add/deactivate new planned investment
Model selling of funds
Scenario Variables
Static data across all scenarios
Across all scenarios the fund settings are shared, including
Investment Vehicle
Commencement Date
Scenario specific planning assumptions
The planning assumptions can vary between scenarios:
Projection Method (automatic vs manual)
Value Projection Assumptions on
Net Gain Curve Scenario
Assumed level of Draw from open commitments
Dinvestment Phasing
Sector Allocation
Region Allocation
Maintaining Scenario Specific Planning Assumptions
The planning assumptions can be maintained in various screens:
Fund Level Data
Planning Assumptions can be copied to different scenarios for convenience.
Scenario Process Flow
The Scenario Process Flow guides the user through the scenario development and maintenance process.
The Flow contains the steps
Scenario Overview contains the steps to load and copy scenarios, provides overviews of the planning assumptions, the statistical models used for the projections and the management of the investments, including the capability to add new plan funds.
Projection Management provides overviews on Actuals, automatic and manual projections on fund level, comparison to the benchmarks.
Compare Scenarios allows to compare the value and cash flow projections between Scenarios.
Portfolio Projections displays the aggregate investment projections in break downs, like vintage, manager or strategy and for different investors and investment vehicles.
Scenario Overview
Scenario Overview contains the steps to load and copy scenarios, provides overviews of the planning assumptions, the statistical models used for the projections and the management of the investments, including the capability to add new plan funds.
Scenario Management
The Scenario Management enables the use cases:
Load the planning assumptions from Current version to a scenario
Copy planning assumptions of a scenario to another
Load the planning assumptions of a scenario to Current version
Copy Scenario
This process will save all fund configuration and assumptions from the source scenario to the selected scenario.
Source version: Scenario or current to be copied from
Select: Scenario to be copied to
Apply Scenario to Current
This process will clear all fund configuration and assumptions from the Current version and replace all settings with the settings saved in the scenario.
be careful to override the current version, as it impact portfolio analytics and reporting capabilities.
The process to copy a scenario to current takes 2-3 minutes.
Scenario Naming and description
List of scenarios with possibility to rename
Assumptions Overview
All the value development planning assumptions for activated funds are visible and editable.
Statistical Value Tables
The Statistical Value Tables display the aggregated percentage of the total projected values for Distributions and Contributions per quarter.
The tables are maintained for the Strategies:
BO - Buyout
GR - Growth
VC - Venture Capital
INFRA - Infrastructure
RE - Real Estate
PD - Private Debt
The Index year: the projections assumptions change based on the fund age. The Index year is applied to the fund age in years. E.g. a fund in the 5th year will be projected based on the index year 5 values.
The charts display them visual
Fund Level Data
The different widgets provide data fields to update static data and the projection assumptions.
Initial Settings
Final Closing Updates
Dinvestment Data
Fund Projection Assumptions
Region Allocation
Sector Allocation
Change Fund Name by clicking on and complete the process.
Dinvestments of existing fund investments are modeled. The parameters are
Divestment Quarter: The quarter with the first planned Deferral payment
Discount %: the discount on the NAV granted to the buyer
Dinvestment Phasing: the deferral payment will be distributed linearly.
The 0 value for the Dinvestment Planning assumes aQ1: 25 %
Q2: 0
Q3: 25 %
Q4: 50 %
Add planned fund investments
Open the entry mask to add new planning funds click
The fund is added to all scenarios, including current.
Copy Fund Settings
The fund settings and projection assumptions are maintained separately per scenario. This capability allows to copy the fund settings to other scenarios or to the current version.
The shareholding of a investment by investor in % is added here:
Projection Management
Projection Management provides overviews on Actuals, automatic and manual projections on fund level, comparison to the benchmarks.
The actuals of the investment are summarized in the Actuals and Fund Information Widget.
The values for projection set in automatic projection mode are displayed in the Projection table.
The assumptions can be changed for the scenario directly on this screen.
Projection Benchmark
The projection benchmark shows the fund performance development compared to the Benchmark.
Manual Input
For investments with “manual” projection mode, the values are maintained in the manual projection input table.
Use the button copy Projections to manual to copy the automatically projected values from a scenario as a base line for further editing.
Compare Scenarios
Compare Scenarios allows to compare the value and cash flow projections between Scenarios.
Value development
To compare scenarios select two scenarios is the filter bar.
Development of Total Value Widget is visualizing the projected NAV, Net Gain and NAV & Distribution development
in the table the projected NAV, Net Gain and NAV & Distribution development are displayed
The delta view widget displays the variances or the total of the scenarios. The view is changed by with the
buttons at the top of the delta view table
Cash flow development
Development of Capital Calls & Distributions Widget is visualizing the projected Distributions, Contributions/Capital Calls and Net Invested Capital development
Portfolio Projections
Portfolio Projections
Portfolio projections by Investor and Investment Vehicles can be broken down by Funds, General Partner, Strategy etc.
Apply cross-drills in the Drill to detail table.
Fund Breakdowns
The fund breakdown allow to break down the results per Fund, Focus, Fund Size, Geography, Instrument, GP, Strategy and Asset Class.