5.3 Data Integration
Exercise: Data Integration Deep-Dive
Take some time to more deeply understand the “mechanics” in Apliqo FPM when integrating and adjusting data. The goal in this exercise is to build a custom app in the same fashion as we recommend implementing it for the client / end users.
Create the following entities in the FIN Company dimension:
Download this Excel Workbook, which contains multiple tabs with data to be loaded as part of the exercise.
Data integration user interfaces
The standard data integration administration app allows the user to run standard or custom roundtrip configurations. But as you have seen in the example above, a different representation makes more sense from an end-user point of view.
Do not customise the standard app “data integration” (or any other administration app for that matter).
Create a new app instead - the standard app can be used as a starting point and duplicated.
Build clean and bespoke roundtrip configurations and present them to end-users that are supposed to use (execute) those in the simplest possible way, particularly:
Don’t leave to many options to the user, rather create an additional configuration.
In most cases the user should only select a company and a year or period range to process the data for. The rest should be pre-configured.
If a pre-built connector exists for the customer’s source system it should be leveraged. Currently the following connectors are available and documented separately.
Custom data integration
If a pre-built connector is not available or is not used because of special requirements, custom TI processes can be used to import data from a source system. For this process to work seamlessly with the Apliqo FPM data integration framework you should understand the concept of the “roundtrip” that moves data through the system a bit more deeply and follow some guidelines. Learn more about this in the following chapters: