Training: Roles and Responsibilities
The following topic will be covered in this section.
You can access the Chart of Accounts setup through the page: Administration / Security / Client Groups Security
What a client sees and does in Apliqo FPM is managed by security groups. There are two types of security groups in Apliqo FPM, Roles and Responsibilities.
The security groups starting with FPM define the Roles that the members of the group perform in Apliqo FPM. The access for the role has already been defined in Apliqo FPM. For example, members of the FPM Exp Planner group have access to plan expenses for the organisation. Clients assigned to the FPM Exp Planner group are able to plan expenses and submit those expenses to the company’s plan.
Each Role has different permissions depending on the role of the security group. As the FPM Administrator you are a member of the FPM Module Admin role. Attached to the FPM Module Admin role, are the permissions to define the organisational structure through the Company and Business Segments. Define the level of detail that is planned. Manage the Chart of Account used for reporting and planning. And set the access for other clients in Apliqo FPM.
All other clients will be a member of the FPM GL Consumer group. This group give the client Read access to the FIN General Ledger cube that is used for reporting.
Everyone is a member of the APQ User group. The APQ User group grants the minimum access to Apliqo FPM that every client required.
Predefined Roles in Apliqo FPM
The roles that are predefined in Apliqo FPM .
Role | Description of the Permissions |
APQ User | Everyone must be a member of the APQ User role. This role gives a client the minimum permissions to interact with Apliqo FPM. |
FPM BS CapEx Mgr | Has access to the Apliqo FPM Capital Expenditure Planning module with elevated privileges. |
FPM BS CapEx Planner | Has access to the Apliqo FPM Capital Expenditure Planning module. |
FPM BS Debt Mgr | Has access to the Apliqo FPM Debt Planning module with elevated privileges. |
FPM BS Debt Planner | Has access to the Apliqo FPM Debt Planning module. |
FPM BS Mgr | Has access to the Apliqo FPM Balance Sheet Planning module with elevated privileges. |
FPM BS Planner | Has access to the Apliqo FPM Balance Sheet Planning module. |
FPM Exp Marketing Manager | Has access to the Apliqo FPM Marketing Planning module with elevated privileges. This group may be used in conjunction with FPM Exp Mgr group. |
FPM Exp Marketing Planner | Has access to the Apliqo FPM Marketing Planning module. This group may be used in conjunction with FPM Exp Planning group. |
FPM Exp Mgr | Has access to the Apliqo FPM Expense Planning module with elevated privileges. |
FPM Exp Planner | Has access to the Apliqo FPM Expense Planning module. |
FPM Exp TandE Mgr | Has access to the Apliqo FPM Travel and Entertainment Planning module with elevated privileges. This group may be used in conjunction with FPM Exp Mgr group. |
FPM Exp TandE Planner | Has access to the Apliqo FPM Travel and Entertainment Planning module. This group may be used in conjunction with FPM Exp Planning group. |
FPM Exp Workforce Mgr
| Has access to the Apliqo FPM Workforce Planning module with elevated privileges. This group may be used in conjunction with FPM Exp Mgr group. |
FPM Exp Workforce Planner | Has access to the Apliqo FPM Workforce Planning module. This group may be used in conjunction with FPM Exp Planning group. |
FPM GL Consumer | Has read only access to the reports in Apliqo FPM. |
FPM Module Admin | Is the administrator of Apliqo FPM. |
FPM Rev Mgr | Has access to the Apliqo FPM Revenue Planning module with elevated privileges. |
FPM Rev Planner | Has access to the Apliqo FPM Revenue Planning module. |
Security is further defined by Responsibilities that are defined along the organisational structure. Security groups can be defined in line with the organisational structure. Each group can be given Write or Read access to the data. For example, the IT Manager will be planning expenses for the IT cost centres for the operational company. Firstly, IT Manager would be given the role of FPM Exp Planner to be able to plan expenses. To limit the responsibilities of the IT Manager, a security group for the operational company would be created, and assigned Write access to the operational company. For the IT cost centers a separate security group would be created and assigned Write access to all the IT cost centres. Finally the IT Manager would be assign to the operational company security group and the IT cost center security group. These groups define the IT Manager’s responsibilities to plan in Apliqo FPM.
Training: Business Segment Security
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