Asset Level Summary
Shows the portfolio companies of the fund
This reports allows to drill down into the individual investment
Be aware:
The sum of all asset level data of a fund does not necessary match with the fund level data.
This design decision is due to the known issue that what is reported by the GP at mandate level rarely reconciles to the sum of what is reported for it’s portfolio investments.
How to use the capability
Use Case: Identify low performing portfolio companies in a fund
Choose a fund
Search for the companies that have a big weight in the fund and low performance
companies Widget: order by “Inv. %” top down
Shows the largest investments of the fund
Analyse the GrMoIC column
Search for low performer in the “MoIC Analysis” widget
Focus on “unrealized” “below cost”
The realised are no longer interesting.Expand “below cost” to find low performer
Search for low performer “revenue Y-Y growth” widget
move to “EBITDA Y-Y growth”
expand “negative growth”
identify low performer
click to App menu “company benchmarks” to move forward in the menu
Multiple widgets are available
Revenue Y-Y growth
EBITDA Y-Y growth
revenue ITD growth