For all funds for which asset level data entry is enabled data of the companies which the fund is invested in can also be loaded on a quarterly basis (assuming the data is made available by the GP). The data which the system can track quarterly are:
LTM Sales
Net Debt
Investment Cost
Gross MoIC
Enterprise Value
Data can be loaded either individually per fund or in bulk for all fund/company combinations at once. In addition to the quarterly data, company setup data can also be updated quarterly. The “setup data” is a mixture of once off type masterdata and other asset level data which is not bound to a quarter.
Asset Level Masterdata
Company Name
Country / Region
Entry data
Bord seats
Non-quarterly KPIs able to be updated (at Entry & Current)
ship %
Before you start company updates
Before you load company data for a fund make sure the fund is configured for asset level input and the asset level input currency is configured (should this be different from the fund level input currency).
Data Management > Fund Management > Fund Setup
Bulk updates
bulk loading company masterdata & setup data
Data Management > Fund Management > Asset Level Input > Portfolio Setup > Company Bulk Update
Via this form asset level data for all funds can be updated at once, including the creation of new companies and the relationship between fund and company. The layout of the form is very similar to the “Portfolio Asset Level” spreadsheet used by BFO. It should therefore by straightforward to link to the current input or copy/paste to the required format in a few clicks.