Maintaining the Chart of Account Structure

The chart of account structure can either be maintained manually, i.e. account by account, or via the "Bulk Load" feature, which will be quicker for the initial setup and also allows you to automate the entire build of the account in case a source system (e.g. your ERP) is supposed to lead the structure. The Bulk Load and Automation will be explained in a later section. In this section the main tools to manually build the CoA will be explained.

Selecting a starting point

When you open the Chart of Accounts - Operational CoA screen you should find the subset "FPM Reporting Rollups" pre-selected, which is typically a good starting point. How to work with subsets themselves will be explained later. Any custom rollups, including the C3_MGMTTB should generally be created directly under the node "Reporting Rollups".

Adding a new account

Click the "+" icon ("Add") in the row of the element you want to create the new element in, which will open a popup. Enter the name of the new element and choose the type (a consolidated element is a total that can contain children, a numeric element is the lowest level on which data can be stored). The position the new element should be mapped into is already pre-selected by clicking on the element to open the popup but you can select a different parent node if necessary. The weight is important for the signage and will normally be 1 to include the data as is, -1 if the sign should be reversed. After confirming the dialogue with "Add" the new element should appear in the correct position (you might have to expand the parent to see it).

Deleting an account

Click the delete icon next to an element to open a popup. When you click "Delete permanently" the element will be deleted. This will only impact the element itself, any children will remain in the account structure. If you intend to delete an entire tree this has to be done from the bottom up.

Mapping or moving an account

When opening the map dialogue you can perform different actions using the available parameters:

  • From Parent: You can choose whether and from which parent it should be removed (in case it has multiple parents). Not removing it will add it to another parent additionally.

  • To Parent: Choose the target parent to map the element to by firstly choosing the rollup and secondly the specific parent within this rollup. You can also choose to re-add it to the same parent if you only want to change the weight/signage.

  • Weight: Choose the weight/signage

Sorting accounts

When adding new accounts to a parent they will appear in the order they have been added in when you expand the parent. To change the order you can use the "Sort" dialogue by clicking the icon next to the parent. The popup will show the direct children in their current order. Use the mouse to drag and drop the child elements in the desired order and confirm with "Save".


Bulk Actions

In order to execute bulk actions, Bucket attributes need to be used. Actions button will expand bulk functions:


Bulk Delete

Assign the accounts you want to delete to a bucket. In the bulk delete popup, select the bucket and when clicking “Delete All” the marked accounts will be deleted. It is recommended to make use of the backup option, which is pre-selected by default.


Bulk Map

Multiple accounts that have been assigned to a bucket can be added to a new parent at once. They can be removed from a common parent as well


Map by attribute

Accounts can be mapped to a parent based on an attribute value that contains the parent element. The process allows to optionally remove the elements from the current parent within a reporting rollup.



Copy attribute values

A simple utility process that will copy the values from one attribute to another.