Apliqo LP PM offers various analytical capabilities to better understand the portfolio performance.
Change in Portfolio value over time
How to use the capability
This reports show Net Invested capital per quarter and Inception to date (ITD)
Chose “measure” NAV to show negative NAV development in 2020-Q1
“Select Fund”: switch to a specific fund (e.g. Mango 11)
“Fund breakdown”: by vintage => “select fund” 2016
Explain: the big distribution received by Papaya in Q32021 is visible here.
“Measure”: Distributions
“Measure”: NAV
“Measure”: Total Value (NAV + Distributions)
Investment Pacing
Shows the actual cash flow in the portfolio
how to use the capability
Choose Measure: e.g. net cash flow
hover over a pile diagram and show the quarterly positions
Click on 2022-Q3 position
drill down to individual fund, which caused the contributions in a quarter
Click on the quarter of interest
left-click: drill down , by fund
right-click on bar chart
Switch back to entire portfolio using the home navigation
Cluster Analysis
This reports clusters the funds by the measures
This allows you to find out which Vintages and funds perform best
How to use the capability
choose the measure you want to cluster
chooe the Measure to visualize
Click on the bar to see the funds attached
Investment summary
The investment summary reports drills into the individual funds.
How to use the capability
Choose Fund to show the details
Study the fund information
Click on “asset summary” to switch screen to learn about the portfolio companies
Asset Level Summary
Shows the portfolio companies of the fund
This reports allows to prepare for meeting with the fund manager to drill down into the individual investment
How to use the capability
Identify low performing portfolio companies
Choose a fund
Search for the companies that have a big weight in the fund and low performance
companies Widget: order by “Inv. %” top down
Shows the largest investments of the fund
Analyse the GrMoIC column
Search for low performer in the “MoIC Analysis” widget
Focus on “unrealized” “below cost”
The realised are no longer interesting.Expand “below cost” to find low performer
Search for low performer “revenue Y-Y growth” widget
move to “EBITDA Y-Y growth”
expand “negative growth”
identify low performer
click to App menu “company benchmarks” to move forward in the menu