The up-to-date reporting ensures the most accurate valuation of the portfolio with the data currently available. To bridge the information gap between the last fully reported Quarter and the current valuation of the portfolio.
The NAV valuation for funds in quarters is calculated with the logic:
Quarter | Case | Calculation Logic |
past fully reported quarters | Ending NAV of Quarter (input) | |
Current Quarter | if cash flows and/or NAV uplift % available | Projected NAV = (Ending Projected NAV of last reported quarter + contributions since last reported - distributions since last quarter) * (1+NAV Uplift %) |
no data is entered | last quarter Projected NAV, | |
Future Quarters | if cash flows and/or NAV uplift % available | Projected NAV = (Ending Projected NAV of last reported quarter + contributions since last reported - distributions since last quarter) * (1+NAV Uplift %) |
no data is entered | Projected ending NAV comes from Portfolio Analysis |