2024.02 FP1 » New Features and Enhancements

Subset Editor - Allow saving private views improvement

Saving private views when inside the subset editor is now easier than never. In order to do so, open the subset editor and when saving the view, check the “Private” box.



Note: When logged in as Enduser, you will only be able to save private subset views and will not be able to override the public ones.


New advanced option to set the default sorting behavior improvement

Apliqo has available 2 forms of sorting: In-Table sorting and Hierarchical sorting. With this Fix Pack there is a new advanced option to set a default sorting behavior to Hierarchical sort.


In order to do this, open Edit mode, click on the settings icon, click on the table you wish to sort, click on Table Config and scrol down until “Default to Hierarchical sort” is visible and switch it to Yes.

Other improvements IMPROVEMENT

» Task Scheduler Documentation (#774)


Configure Task Scheduler Task file protocol, host and port number if http://localhost:8880 is not accessible internally from the Apliqo Server environment.

In the default.constant.js file in the apq-c3-custom\js folder configure:

1."PORT_NUMBER":  Port Number - Apliqo Server is configured with. (e.g. 8880)

2."TASK_BASE_PROTOCOL": Protocol - Apliqo Server is configured with. (e.g. http or https)

3."TASK_BASE_HOST": Host DNS - Apliqo Server is configured with. (e.g. some-other.dns)

For more information on the Task Scheduler please visit Task Scheduler Configuration page.

» Excel Export (#706)


 Export to excel will now hide the previously hidden rows as well as the columns.