2023.10 » Bug fixes

  1. #711: Report issue after upgrade to 2023.05 FP1

  2. #708: Default value on a filter does not appear if it depends on another filter (properly populated)

  3. #705: Scrolling to the right on tables with many columns doesn't work

  4. #698: Hitting enter when searching for element in TI parameter prompt runs process

  5. #693: Cannot change button icon class from app management

  6. #680: TM1.Mdx.Interface $<>: Cannot resolve TM1 subset (rte 114)

  7. #677: Advanced options editor - cursor randomly jumps to start

  8. #674: Cannot rename widget in cube settings

  9. Depending filters - table renders for invalid filter selection

  10. Copying aliases directly from the grid is not possible

  11. Full mdx column headers don't show if dimension is not added in the definition

  12. The scroll bar in the cubeviewer is shown if many columns are opened

  13. Column width not saved in cube viewer widget

  14. Localized attributes not applied when using subnm-multi in TI process

  15. Master Column option not working with stacked column dimensions

  16. Notification pop-up doesn't work when searching or using column filters

  17. Numbers with scientific notation are not correctly formatted in the table

  18. When CAM used }clients alias is overwritten with principal name during daily maintenance chore

  19. Performance issues with Dashboards in wizards

  20. Dimensions Hierarchies request causing loading issues

  21. TI process with Run on click option enabled is not refreshing the dashboard

  22. TI process run from toolbar not refreshing the charts

  23. Double scrollbars when column filters are set

  24. Drill not working with alternative hierarchies