Training: FIN General Ledger Cube

Training: FIN General Ledger Cube

The main reporting cube is the FIN General Ledger cube. The FIN General Ledger cube is made up of the following dimension which have different reporting purposes.

Cube Dimension


Cube Dimension


FIN Version

The ACT (Actual) element has the year-to-date actual as report from the external data source.

The FBUD (Final Budget) element contains the organisations budget. There can be more than one budget version. Each alternate budget is suffix with an index, FBUD1 for example. The purpose of the budget can be given when the budget is created.

The version elements under Relative Version Rollups translates data from one financial year to another. For example, PYACT (Last Year Actual) is the previous year’s actual to the financial year selected for the T Year-Month.

The version elements under Rolling Versions are concatenations of the year-to-date actual and another version,

The version elements under Working Budget/Forecast are the working version for the current plan. These versions are updated when the plan is submitted. The level of detail is the same as what is planned. This can be less than the operational data depending on how you have mapped the operational data to the planning data. The working versions are copied to one of the Achieved Forecasts.

The version elements under Achieved Forecast are the snapshots of the working version.

FIN Currency

Data in the "LOCAL" element is the local currency of the company selected.

The currencies under the Reporting Currencies are translations of the local currency of the company to a common currency using exchange rates.

T Year-Month

The lowest level represents a financial period / month, e.g., 2022-M01. M01 represents the first period of the financial year used in the system, i.e. if a financial year starts in January, M01 is January. By extension M12 represents the last month of the financial year. M00 (Opening Period) may be in use and M13 (Closing Period) is available end-of-year journals.

FIN Company

The data is loaded to the company elements as set up as part of the dimension setup covered in an earlier chapter.

FIN BSEG 1...4

The maximum available four business segments can be used at the customers discretion. The data import happens to a N level element within these dimensions. If a business segment is not used or the information not available for some of the records the data is to be loaded to the default / dummy elements, e.g., "NA FIN BSEG 1".


The data has to be loaded to a N level element in the operational CoA dimension. As far as the Trial Balance itself is concerned it will be a descendant of the main balance sheet rollup (C3_MGMTTB), but the same concept also applies to the import of statistical accounts.

The FIN OCoA is also made up of Statistical Accounts, Fixed Account and KPI Accounts. All of which can be used for reporting.


The scale dimension is used to express the data at different scales either, integer, thousands or millions.

Time Analysis

This is a reporting dimension that transforms the BASE amount into different types of calculations relative to the element selected T Year-Month dimension. For example:

  • The YTD (Year to Date) gives you the year-to-date movement for the selected T Year-Month element.

  • The LY (Last Year) gives you last year’s amount.

  • The M3M (3 Month Lagging Total) and M6M (6 Month Lagging Total) will give you the movement of last 3 or 6 months. From these totals the average movement can be calculated in M3M AVG (Last 3 Months Average) and M6M AVG (Last 6 Months Average) movement.

  • The MAT (Moving Average Total) is the movement for the last 12 months.

  • Element P1 P12 are the value back to a previous month.

These are the major Time Analysis transformations. There are too many Time Analysis transformations to discuss here.

Zero suppression of a report or dashboard cannot be used with any Time Analysis elements except BASE. These measures are best used when the report or dashboard has dense data sets that do not required zero suppression.

FIN Consolidation Value Measure

The dimension is used for the different ledgers. Is made up of two halves. The TB - Trial Balance consolidation is used in the FIN General Ledger TB cube to reconcile the balanced trial balance. The CON - Consolidated Fair Value consolidation is used for reporting and is the only rollup that is populated in the FIN General Ledger cube. Under these consolidations the rollups can change depending on the customers' requirements. Some key elements must exist under the CON - Consolidated Fair Value consolidation.

  • OPV - Operating Value: Is for operational data that is loaded from an external source.

  • ADJ - Adjustments: Is used for adjustments and eliminations of the operational data.

  • DCS - Debit-Credit Shift: Is used for the Debit-Credit Shift functionality that is built into Apliqo FPM.

These amounts summed up to TV - True and Fair View of the company balance sheet. The TV - True and Fair View can be used to report the results for the company.

CON - Consolidated Fair Value - Is used to report the consolidated group. In the future intercompany adjustments will be added to Apliqo FPM.

FIN General Ledger Measure

Trial Balance data is loaded into the MOV (Movement) element. The OB (Opening) and CB (Closing Balances) are calculated as part of the roundtrip.


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