Python Execution Environment

For development purposes you may run Splicer in Python virtual environment instead by executable file. To setup this configuration you will need to follow these steps:

  1. Install python development environment, ideally version 3.9 or 3.10 (download from ).

  2. After the installation has been completed, check you can run python from command line by typing

    python -V

    This should print Python version you have downloaded. If not, try running

    python3 -V

    (or python3.9 -V or python3.10 -V depending on which version you have installed.)

  3. Deploy splicer from source code in GIT repository. Clone the repository into .\<FPM_Install_Folder>\batch\ folder. Do this before moving existing splicer installation.

  4. Copy connection.json from your existing splicer installation into .\<FPM_Install_Folder>\batch\rule-splicing-tool\config\.

  5. Navigate to .\<FPM_Install_Folder>\batch\rule-splicing-tool\ and run following command to create python virtual environment. The environment will be called python. This is default setting in the TM1 wrappers. When running python, please use exactly the same command as used in step 2 to successfully verify python version that has been installed.

    python3.10 -m venv python
  6. Run following commands to activate python virtual environment. For Windows:

    For Linux:

  7. Check that the virtual environment is active. The command line prompt will be amended by the python activation and will look similarly to example below:

  8. Install required dependency packages by running:

The python virtual environment is ready for use once the dependencies were installed successfully. Set pPythonVirtualEnv parameter in wrappers to 1 to use it instead of executable file.