Business Segments Security (deprecated)

Optionally security to the business segment elements can be applied. The framework allows you to do this quite efficiently to reduce the maintenance effort. In the main tab of the business segment / company dimension switch to the "Security" view. You might initially see an error message and an empty dropdown for the "Groups" selection if no groups have been created yet. You can create a new group manually using the the "Create Group(s)" dialogue from the toolbar.

It is strongly recommended that you use the dimension name as a prefix for the group name, this will make the security management more transparent and easier to handle. Oftentimes it is much easier to maintain the security by using the "Auto-create Groups" option. Once you activate the "Require Security" option all settings will become available. Please refer to the on-screen explanation for all parameters, the most relevant are usually:

  • Create All Group: When activated a group will be created that gives assigned members access to all elements

  • Managing Dimension: Useful when you have elements of the same name in multiple dimensions, e.g. you might manage security in the company dimension directly and at the same time use the same definition to drive the security on a cost center dimension that has all cost centers belonging to a company consolidated into an element of the same name as the company. Using this option on the cost center dimension will automatically assign the desired permissions in the cost center dimension without managing it separately.

  • Create Groups to Level: Especially in larger dimensions you would not want a group to be created for every element. With this option you can determine the depth to which groups will be created.

After running the process you will find groups being created according to the settings made and permissions being populated. By running the "Update Security" process from the toolbar the permissions will finally be applied to the dimension elements, which you can verify by looking at the "Effective Permission Level" column.

Please refer to the "Security" chapter to get more information about the different permission levels and types as well as how to assign users to the groups.

It is recommended that you activate the "Update Element Security" option in the dimension update configuration. This will ensure that newly added dimension elements get the intended security applied through inheritance.