Beyond what has been elaborated on as part of the training already, please consider the following guidelines when configuring the business segments:
The dimension definition automation as covered previously should always be the way of maintaining and updating the business segments including the company dimension.
Always keep the automation in a state that can be executed in without corrupting the dimension.
I.e. do not bypass the update with custom processes.
Try to use standard update steps (cube, ODBC, CSV, Attribute,…) rather than custom processes.
Keep the dimension structure tidy:
Put all alternative rollups under “FIN BSEG x Rollups” by using the option “Automatically Create Top Node”.
Make sure that all elements are contained in “Total FIN BSEG x”.
Understand that the “Total FIN BSEG x” rollup is not only the total that TB checks will be performed on, it also is the one that will be used to configure the plan dimension. Make a sensible decision as early as possible, what will be your leading rollup of BSEG elements.
Use the option “Automatically Create Leaf Element Rollup” to create a rollup “FIN BSEG x Leaves” that will help with reconciliation if the “Total […]” position (or another rollup) is compromised.
Apart from additional rollups alternative hierarchies can be very useful to enhance analytical capabilities in the system. Whether you create an alternate hierarchy or make use of just an alternate rollup depends on whether you should be able to analyse by both hierarchies at the same time or not.
If attributes need to be localized you have seen already, how to achieve this through the dimension definition. It is recommended to maintain the unlocalized attribute value in the most commonly used language in the organisation.
Example: If the main language in your organisation is English and some users prefer to see a German “Description” attribute, create only two attributes “Description” and “Description [de]”. You don’t have to create a third attribute “Description [en]”, the unlocalized “Description” will be displayed automatically, also filling any blanks in additional locales.