Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.

Snippets marked with * are mandatory and should be used in messaging enabled processes.

Declaration Snippet*

Following code needs to be added into suitable part of prolog, ideally to variables declaration part. The snippet defines variables that are used to communicate results of the process to its caller.

Note: You should make sure you are using Apliqo template empty process as some of variables defined there are used in the messaging solution as well. These are following:

  • sProcLogParams

  • cUserName

  • cThisProcName

Code Block
### Global Variables
nProcessReturnCode= 0;

cMsgErrorLevel = 'ERROR';
cMsgErrorContent = 'User:%cUserName% Process:%cThisProcName% ErrorMsg:%sMessage%';
# Uncomment for thread enabled processes
#cMsgErrorContent = 'User:%cUserName% Process:%cThisProcName% (ThreadID: %pThreadID%) ErrorMsg:%sMessage%';
nErrors = 0;
sMessage = '';

cCubMsg = '}APQ Process Response Message';
sMultiMsg = '';
nMultiMsgJSON = 0;
sDetailMsg = '';
nSubProcessNumber = 0;

License Test Snippet*

This snippet should be added to a first line of code after declarations to check license validity.

Code Block
If( CellGetN( cCubParam, 'Customer Name', 'Numeric' ) + CellGetN( cCubParam, 'Customer Key', 'Numeric' ) < 2 );
    nErrors = nErrors + 1;
    sMessage = 'Product license is not valid, please set customer key in }APQ Settings!';
    sSequenceID = NumberToString( nMultiMsgJSON );
    sMessageJSON = INSRT(' "message":"', sMessage | '"', 1);
    sMultiMsg = Expand( '%sMultiMsg%' | If(LONG(sMultiMsg)=0, '', ', ') | '"' | NumberToString( nMultiMsgJSON ) | '":{%sMessageJSON%}' ); nMultiMsgJSON = nMultiMsgJSON + 1;
    LogOutput( cMsgErrorLevel, Expand( cMsgErrorContent ) );

Parameter Value Error Snippet

This snippet is used when an error is identified, typically when checking if supplied parameters are valid. You may use ProcessBreak to stop code execution immediately or you may proceed with error checking and stack all eventual error messages.

Code Block
IF( pVersion @= '' );
    nErrors = nErrors + 1;
    sMessage = 'Parameter pVersion must not be empty.';
    sSequenceID = NumberToString( nMultiMsgJSON );
    sMessageJSON = INSRT(' "message":"', sMessage | '"', 1);
    sMultiMsg = Expand( '%sMultiMsg%' | If(LONG(sMultiMsg)=0, '', ', ') | '"' | NumberToString( nMultiMsgJSON ) | '":{%sMessageJSON%}' ); nMultiMsgJSON = nMultiMsgJSON + 1;
    LogOutput( cMsgErrorLevel, Expand( cMsgErrorContent ) );

Info Snippet

This snippet might be used to add useful information about the process execution - for instance information about parameter values being used.

Code Block
sMessage = 'Data processing start.';
sSequenceID = NumberToString( nMultiMsgJSON );
sMessageJSON = INSRT(' "message":"', sMessage | '"', 1);
sMultiMsg = Expand( '%sMultiMsg%' | If(LONG(sMultiMsg)=0, '', ', ') | '"' | NumberToString( nMultiMsgJSON ) | '":{%sMessageJSON%}' ); nMultiMsgJSON = nMultiMsgJSON + 1; 
LogOutput( 'Info', sMessage );

Subprocess (without messaging) Error Detection

This snippet is used when calling a subprocesses that are not enabled with messaging to indicate if an error occurred during execution.

Code Block
sProc = 'process';
nRet = ExecuteProcess( sProc );
IF( nRet <> ProcessExitNormal );
    nErrors = nErrors + 1;
    sRet = NumberToString( nRet );
    sMessage = Expand( 'Call to %sProc% has finished with errors (code = %sRet%).' );
    sSequenceID = NumberToString( nMultiMsgJSON );
    sMessageJSON = INSRT(' "message":"', sMessage | '"', 1);
    sMultiMsg = Expand( '%sMultiMsg%' | If(LONG(sMultiMsg)=0, '', ', ') | '"' | NumberToString( nMultiMsgJSON ) | '":{%sMessageJSON%}' ); nMultiMsgJSON = nMultiMsgJSON + 1; 
    LogOutput( cMsgErrorLevel, Expand( cMsgErrorContent ) );

Subprocess (with messaging) Error Detection and Message Passing

This snippet might be used when calling a subprocess equipped with messaging to get messages from the called subprocess and pass them to JSON string of the calling process.

Code Block
sProc = 'Process';
nRet = ExecuteProcess( sProc );

nSubProcessNumber = nSubProcessNumber + 1;
sMessage = INSRT('"sequence":"' | NumberToString( nSubProcessNumber ) | '", ', sProcessReturnCode, 2);
sMessageJSON = INSRT(' "message":', sMessage, 1);
sMultiMsg = Expand( '%sMultiMsg%' | If(LONG(sMultiMsg)=0, '', ', ') | '"' | NumberToString( nMultiMsgJSON ) | '":{%sMessageJSON%}' ); nMultiMsgJSON = nMultiMsgJSON + 1;

IF( nRet <> ProcessExitNormal % nProcessReturnCode = 0 );
    nErrors = nErrors + 1;
    sRet = NumberToString( nRet );
    sMessage = Expand( 'Call to %sProc% has finished with errors (code = %sRet%).' );
    sMessageJSON = INSRT(' "message":"', sMessage | '"', 1);
    sMultiMsg = Expand( '%sMultiMsg%' | If(LONG(sMultiMsg)=0, '', ', ') | '"' | NumberToString( nMultiMsgJSON ) | '":{%sMessageJSON%}' ); nMultiMsgJSON = nMultiMsgJSON + 1;
    LogOutput( cMsgErrorLevel, Expand( cMsgErrorContent ) );

Final Message Preparation for Process without Parallelism*

This snippet should be put into epilog of the messaging enabled process to make sure the final message is properly formulated as a JSON string and global variables to pass messages to a calling process are set. The snippet is valid only for processes that are not parallel enabled and run in single thread mode and should be last code block in epilog tab of the process.

Note: Messages are written into message cube by calling a process with RunProcess to isolate commit event of the message from commit event of the process

Code Block
#Region - Return code & final error message handling
sProcessResultType = If( nErrors = 0, 'success', 'danger' );
If( nErrors > 0 );
    sErrors = NumberToString( nErrors );
    sProcessResultMsg = Expand( 'Process has finished with %sErrors% error' | If( nErrors > 1, 's', '') | '.' );
    If(  nMultiMsgJSON <= 1 );
        sProcessResultJSON = Expand( '{"process":"%cThisProcName%", "header": "%sProcessResultMsg%", "message":"%sMessage%", "type":"%sProcessResultType%"}' );
        sProcessResultJSON = Expand( '{"process":"%cThisProcName%", "header": "%sProcessResultMsg%", "details":{%sMultiMsg%}, "type":"%sProcessResultType%"}' );
    sMessage = sProcessResultMsg;
    nProcessReturnCode = 0;
    sProcessReturnCode = sProcessResultJSON;
    RunProcess( '}APQ.Cub.ProcessResponseMessage.ImmediateLog',
        'pProcLogParams', sProcLogParams,
        'pProcessStartTime', TimSt(nProcessStartTime, '\Y-\m-\d \h:\i:\s'),
        'pProcessFinishTime', 'now',
        'pUserName', cUserName,
        'pProcessName', cThisProcName,
        'pProcessErrorFile', GetProcessErrorFileName(),
        'pStatus', 'Error',
        'pSuccessMessage', '',
        'pFailureMessage', sProcessResultMsg,
        'pJSONMessage', sProcessReturnCode
    LogOutput( cMsgErrorLevel, Expand( cMsgErrorContent ) );
    #Region - Success Message Composition
    sProcessResultMsg = 'Process has finished successfully.';
    #EndRegion - Success Message Composition
    If( nMultiMsgJSON <= 1 );
        sProcessResultJSON = Expand( '{"process":"%cThisProcName%", "header": "%sProcessResultMsg%", "message":"%sMessage%", "type":"%sProcessResultType%"}' );
        sProcessResultJSON = Expand( '{"process":"%cThisProcName%", "header": "%sProcessResultMsg%", "message":"%sMessage%", "details":{%sMultiMsg%}, "type":"%sProcessResultType%"}' );
    nProcessReturnCode = 1;
    sProcessReturnCode = sProcessResultJSON;
    RunProcess( '}APQ.Cub.ProcessResponseMessage.ImmediateLog',
        'pProcLogParams', sProcLogParams,
        'pProcessStartTime', TimSt(nProcessStartTime, '\Y-\m-\d \h:\i:\s'),
        'pProcessFinishTime', 'now',
        'pUserName', cUserName,
        'pProcessName', cThisProcName,
        'pProcessErrorFile', GetProcessErrorFileName(),
        'pStatus', 'Success',
        'pSuccessMessage', sProcessResultMsg,
        'pFailureMessage', '',
        'pJSONMessage', sProcessReturnCode
    LogOutput('INFO', Expand( 'Process:%cThisProcName%: %sMessage%' ) );   
#EndRegion - Return code & final error message handling