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Welcome to our training materials! We're excited to have you here and hope that this training will provide you with valuable knowledge and skills. Below, you can find the complete table of contents, this will give you an overview of what topics will be covered and in what order. Be sure to check back regularly for any updates, as we make changes or additions to the training materials. |
Table of Contents |
Working with Subset Editor
Select }Hierarchies_Product dimension
Open Subset Editor
Click All E button
Select Product:Color and Product:Size from the list of available elements
Click Apply button
Select Product global filter dimension
Open the advanced options panel Dimension Settings
Click Select button visible above Hierarchy dropdown list
In the editable text box input UX Placeholder: $<<UX_Demo.}Hierarchies_Product.}Hierarchies_Product>>Product::Hierarchy>>
Change the List Type to MDX
Select Product dimension added in columns
Add the same placeholder in the Hierarchy text box
Change the List Type to MDX
Click on the cube icon to open cube settings
Select Product dimension added in columns
Open advanced options panel and select Dimension Settings
Click Select button visible above Hierarchy dropdown list
In the editable text box input UX Placeholder: $<<UX_Demo.}Hierarchies_Product.}Hierarchies_Product::Hierarchy>>
Change the MDX query to:
Code Block | ||
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{[Product].[$<<UX_Demo.}Hierarchies_Product.}Hierarchies_Product>>].[$<<UX_Demo.Product.$<<UX_Demo.}Hierarchies_Product.}Hierarchies_Product>>>>]} |
Let's try it out:
change the value for World USA cell to bg-orange-600
you will notice that the formatting in style widget changed
Open advanced options panel
Click on the Style widget header
Click on the CODE tab
In the table section you will notice that instead of class the attribute was used to drive the formatting
In this part of the exercise to apply the format based on attribute dynamically:
Open the cube settings
Replace UX_Class with:
Collapse advanced options panel and select Dimension Settings
Set Fix option to No
Change the List Type to Subset
Close cube settings popup
Open advanced options panel
Click on the Style widget header
Click on the CODE tab
Replace UX_Class with:
Collapse advanced options panel
change the }ElementAttributes_
change the }ElementAttributes_Region global filter to Color Class2
You should will notice that the font cell color for the World region USA and Brazil elements was updated.
3. Read only based on attribute
The values in the table will be reverted to the original one.
Charts configuration and edition
1. Overview of Basic Options
Application offers various chart types and depending on which widget is selected, settings panel will return the available options. But some of them are common to most of chart types and first we will focus on those.
Tooltip shared
Chart title
Chart Null Values
Calculated Rows and columns.
Series section, which gives you many customization options, after clicking on the + icon next to Populate our data will automatically be added to the advanced options panel and now you can change:
Type: we have area, line, bar and column option
Color, which can be selected from the color picker
We can enable data labels for selected series
And change their format
Plot Options and Data Labels
What’s more graphs in the app naturally come with drill through capacity.
You can adjust those settings in the Charts Driablle section:
Cross drill ➟ Available when we right click on the column and select Drill down by, we can turn it off using this option
In one of the latest versions a new option has been added to the advanced options GUI: Chart Show Percentage o facilitate adding percentage formatting in charts. Enabling the option will result in % format and recalculated values to be displayed in data labels, tooltips as well as y- axis. No further configuration is required.
open the advanced options panel
select Chart widget by clicking on its header
select Chart Options
set Chart Show Percentage option to Yes
save the changes
The formatting in the chart will change, you will notice % visible in the data labels, tooltips as well as y- axis.
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Every update that occurs in settings also gets codded and we can check it in the code tab, which is another place where the widget can be customized. |
Charts configuration and edition
1. Waterfall Chart
In this section we will check out some of the advance adoptions specific for Waterfall chart. For the purpose of this exercise navigate to Latest Releases - UX Version 2020.08 - Waterfall Chart improvements
Change the Department global filter to Executive General and Administrations
Click on the settings wrench icon an then on the Waterfall widget header
Expand Chart Options and select Waterfall Chart
Set Y Axis Min Auto to Yes
Collapse the advanced options panel
Make sure that now the differences between the values are more distinct & discard the changes
The same as in the grid widget elements of the chart can be set as hyperlinks that will change dashboard filters.
Enable the Edit Mode
Open Cube Settings for the Waterfall widget
Click on the Account dimension
Open the advanced options panel and select Dimension Settings
Set option HyperLink to change filters to Yes
Close the Cube settings popup
Click Taxes element
Make sure that the Account dashboard filter changed to Taxes
Save the changes
» Add commentary
The Waterfall chart includes an enhancement that allows comments added to the table to be displayed directly in the chart. By default this option is not enabled, but you can easily change it using advanced options: