Create an ad-hoc data source entry.
Define the ad-hoc data source. There are three ad-hoc data source types; csv source file, SQL query, either uploaded to the staging cube from Excel, or copy-and-pasted directly into the staging cube.
Map the data source to the target cube.
Restrict the source data.
Load the data to the target cube.
We Ad-hoc Data Load functionality can be used to load any source data to Apliqo FPM. In this training we are going to work through each of these steps to load the 2023 Budget for Company 1000. The ad-hoc data load steps should be applied when loading different sources of data to different parts of Apliqo FPM.
First some information about the data source.
Restricting what is cleared also validates the data. If the data is to be loaded outside of what is cleared, then the record would be rejected, and a message would appear. For example, if we restricted the accounts to be loaded to the elements under the Management Trial Balance any records in the source data that load to statistic accounts would be rejected.
To calculate the reporting currencies the Currency version needs to be set for the FBUD - Final Budget version. This can be done Administration > Currency Conversion. Open the Version Setup popup to set the currency version for the FBUD - Final Budget version. The FBUD - Final Budget version is currently set to use the ACT - Actual currency version.
If required a different currency version can be used. This is done be adding another Currency Version and entering the exchange rates to be used. Then change the FBUD - Final version to the new currency version. See Training: Currency Conversion to review how currencies are maintained in Apliqo FPM.
Now the budget has load we need to run the roundtrip to calculate the FBUD version in the FIN General Ledger. Follow the walk-through to create the roundtrip to process the budget.