Add an automation step to sync the Operational Chart of Accounts.
Processing the Chart of Account update end-to-end
Click on the Process CoA Update button to build the FIN OCoA dimension. Turn on Active Steps. All of the automation steps should be active. Click on Process CoA Update to run the automation.
Manually synchronising the Operational Chart of Accounts
The Operational Chart of Account can be manually synchronise using the Sync Dimension button on the Administration > Chart of Account > Operational CoA tab.
Click on the Sync Dimension to open the popup. It can take a few seconds while an update of the mandatory flag attributes happen happens in the background.
Rebuild option:
Incremental Update: Only add new accounts. Existing rollups will not be changed. No elements will be deleted from the actual Operational CoA (FIN OCoA).
UwindUnwind: This is the default option. The parent-child relationships between elements will be broken, then reconstructed based on the mapping changes you have made in the staging Operational CoA. If you have deleted accounts in the staging Operational CoA, they will persist in the actual Operational CoA as orphan element in the dimension. This allow the ability correct account mapping back into the account structure without losing any data.
Delete all elements: Use this option only if you intentionally want to deleted elements from the actual Operational CoA. Make sure that the content of the staging dimension is up to date. That data associated with the delete element is also deleted.
Delete Empty Consolidations will delete C-type elements that have no components. This reduces the actual Operational CoA to only include consolidations that have natural accounts. While maintaining a full Management Trial Balance in the staging Operational CoA.