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Projections are key to formulate the expectations regarding future cash flows to have the liquidity at the desired level. Unfortunatly there is no way to predict the future reliably. However the Apliqo LP PM solution offers the ability to model best-practices for projection based on the solid data foundation. The solution supports the standard “Takahashi - Alexander Model”. |
How it works
For each investment a is applied. Either manually by the user or automatically based on the The Apliqo LP PM projection model .
The Apliqo LP PM projection model estimates
the cumulative future distributions,
the quarterly NAV net gains and the
Quarterly cash-flows: distributions and capital calls.
the model leverages the Takahashi-Alexander Model (a.k.a. Yale Model) and uses fund data with a minimum of 10 years (see below for more details). The model takes the fund strategy (e.g. Buyout) into consideration
For each investment a assumed projection curve is applied
Net Gain curve Scenario.
projects the quarterly values for
The key projections are based on statistical models for
Projected total NAV net gain
Projected quarterly NAV net gain
Projected quarterly cash-flows projections for distributions commitments
The projection model is aware of the fund strategies
Venture Capital
The statistical model is based on fund data with at least 10 years of track-record
Apliqo LP PM supports custom statistical models. User generated models can be loaded into the system.
The model
The projection model takes into consideration the available reported data (dark green) and the estimations by the LP (light green). The model applies Apliqo proprietary projections methods (yellow arrows) to calculate the expected NAV uplift and the quarterly distributions per fund.
Info |
more details to the Apliqo LP PM cash flow projection model can be requested at |
How are the projections calculated?
The model estimates for all Asset Classes and Strategies different contribution and distributions per quarter, based on the historic performance of the these asset groups.
Available Strategies are: Venture (VC), Buyout (BO), Growth (GROWTH), Infrastructure (INFRA), Real Estate (RE), Private Debt (PD)
The Portfolio manager applies for each fund a percentile estimate on how the fund will call capital and pay distributions.
Apliqo maintains a forecast model for these asset classes and strategies per vintage year. As an example a contribution curve for a Buyout fund rated as 75 % percentile could look like this.
Note |
The quarterly projected NAV net gain is calculated on the
Net gain curve
The model supports 3 different net gain curves
Where to maintain the projections?