#669: Helper filter dim - cannot reposition
#667: IF in DBRW can not work correctly
#666: TOGGLEDRILLSTATE error while using hierarchy
#664: }APQ.UX.Server.Maintenance locks up after 2023.05 upgrade
#663: Impersonate with securitymode 5 not logged in correctly with impersonated user to both instances (contentstore & datainstance)
#662: Impersonate does not return after logging out from the impersonated user
#661: Chart does not respect MIN MAX
#659: Full MDX - not returning queries with StrToSet#658: Impersonate is not available (not always but it happens)
Filters with Dynamic Hierarchy do not appear on the WHERE statement
Popups: when dimension is fixed and hidden it doesn't show on WHERE statement
Popups: refresh button in the popups' header doesn't refresh charts and maps widgets
Wrong error message shown when the license is invalid
ReadOnly user can’t login to UX
Pop-up filter bar removed when no dimension are set (or are hidden)
TM1 web doesn't' render with Flexi Grid layout
Cube Viewer: default view selection, context menu doesn't work
Cube Viewer: 100% card height results in 2 scrollbars
Cube Viewer: when 2 dimensions are set on row, collapse consolidation option doesn't work
Expand & Collapse on subnm: children of parent that are before parent are not added to the parent as children and once parent is expanded the inner children are shown