Aura divider | ||||
#654: Export to PDF is only exporting the Filter and not the report content
#625: Can't export to PDF
#651: Column Spacing/Widths not working as expected for Inserted Columns#669: Helper filter dim - cannot reposition
#667: IF in DBRW can not work correctly
#666: TOGGLEDRILLSTATE error while using hierarchy
#664: }APQ.UX.Server.Maintenance locks up after 2023.05 upgrade
#663: Impersonate with securitymode 5 not logged in correctly with impersonated user to both instances (contentstore & datainstance)
#662: Impersonate does not return after logging out from the impersonated user
#661: Chart does not respect MIN MAX
#659: Full MDX - not returning queries with StrToSet
#658: Impersonate is not available (not always but it happens)
Filters with Dynamic Hierarchy do not appear on the where statementWHERE statement
Popups: when dimension is fixed and hidden it doesn't show on WHERE statement
Popups: refresh button in the popups' header doesn't refresh charts and maps widgets
Wrong error message shown when the license is invalid
ReadOnly user cannot can’t login to UX
Custom dimension in cube settings modal, can’t be drag and dropped to the first or last position in global filters section
Pop-up filter bar removed when no dimension are set (or are hidden)
TM1 web doesn't' render with Flexi Grid layout
Expand & Collapse on subnm: children of parent that are before parent are not added to the parent as children and once parent is expanded the inner children are shown