Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.
  • Shows the portfolio companies of the fund

  • This reports allows to drill down into the individual investment


How How to use the capability

Use Case: Identify low performing portfolio companies in a fund

  1. Choose a fund

  2. Search for the companies that have a big weight in the fund and low performance

    1. companies Widget: order by “Inv. %” top down

    2. Shows the largest investments of the fund

    3. Analyse the GrMoIC column

  3. Search for low performer in the “MoIC Analysis” widget

    • Focus on “unrealized” “below cost”
      The realised are no longer interesting.

    • Expand “below cost” to find low performer

  4. Search for low performer “revenue Y-Y growth” widget

  5. move to “EBITDA Y-Y growth”

    • expand “negative growth”

    • identify low performer

  6. click to App menu “company benchmarks” to move forward in the menu
